Family Fun on the Farm

In the Jewish calendar, the springtime month of Nissan signals the beginning of the agricultural New Year. As the weather warms and the days get longer, we shake off the frostiness of winter and awaken to the growth all around us. For the next 8 months, the familiar natural rhythms will renew: our favorite crops will appear at local farmer’s markets, chickens will increase their egg production, and baby animals will be born and mature. Yet, it’s so easy to forget these realities when we spend more of our time out of touch with nature’s rhythms.

At the Pearlstone Center, we strive to create opportunities to connect to the land. On July 26th-30th, the Pearlstone Center is hosting a Family Farm Camp. Spend time with your family and other young, Jewish families preparing fresh farm to table meals, collecting eggs, milking goats, and exploring our nature trails. We’ll also enjoy more traditional camp activities, such as swimming, arts and crafts, music, and sports. “Adult-only” time will feature workshops in pickling, soap-making, cheese-making, and more. Spend a long weekend at our beautiful, natural setting, enjoying an all-inclusive and inspiring experience. Contact for more information.

Each month, we invite the entire community, free of charge, to spend an afternoon at our “Open Farm Day.” Bring your service group, your family, your friends, or just come alone and meet new friends on our farm. Open Farm Days are a great way to get outside on a Sunday afternoon and enjoy the simple things in life. Open Farm Days consist of the following elements:

Volunteer alongside other community members—plant, dig, harvest, and build on our organic farm

Learn about sustainability through hands-on skills workshops, such as pickling, cheese making, and composting. Kid-friendly workshops are offered as well.

Celebratethe seasons, enjoy live entertainment, and bring a picnic to eat on the farm.

Join us, from 1:30-6, on the following dates:

April 28, May 12, June 9, July 28, August 25, September 29, October 27

Where: The Pearlstone Center, 5425 Mount Gilead Rd, Reisterstown 21136

Contact to RSVP or for more information

Hope to see you on our farm soon!

– Morris Panitz, Program Director, Pearlstone Center