Earth Etude for Elul 25 – Circling Home

by Rabbi Kaya Stern-Kaufman

Turning, always turning

To every turn, a season

To every season, a spirit

To every spirit, a soul

To every soul, a home

Ani l’dodi v’dodi li

I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine

Elul pours forth a call

Turn as the earth

Around your sacred truth,

Hold to your center

but move from your place.


from a new angle, Who You Are

And who you need to be

We are fiery emotions

We are waters of compassion

We are centered breath of life,

We are steady solid clay

An eternal breath wrapped in dust and light


always turning


Rabbi Kaya Stern-Kaufman,MSW is the Founder and Director of Rimon Resource Center for Jewish Spirituality in Great Barrington, MA. She is a former psychotherapist and feng shui practitioner with a life-long interest in comparative religion and the creation of sacred space and sacred time.

Rabbi Katy Z. Allen is the founder and leader of Ma'yan Tikvah - A Wellspring of Hope, a congregation without walls that meets outdoors all year long. She is the co-convener and President pro-tem of the Boston-area Jewish Climate Action Network, and the founder of the One Earth Collaborative, a program of Open Spirit in Framingham, MA.
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