Day 13: Yesod b’Gevurah

Day Six of Week 2 (13th day of Omer): Yesod in Gevurah

by Susie Davidson

Yesod is about foundations, the base of support from which to enact these desired changes. And foundations are bonded together, which reflects Yesod's other attribute of bonding.

With a firm foundation, a springboard that is also a grounded platform, we can join with like-minded others in a disciplined, Gevurah effort of healing, rebuilding, and preparing our agricultural systems toward a more sustainable future.

"Yesod is the final filter in which the test of your sincerity is measured by the degree of integrity your change reflects," the Chabad website states. "[t]he change in me will express my truth—the truth I want to be (the Hebrew word for truth= Emet, constructed of the letters Alef, Mem and Tav all of which have bases—“legs” that allows them to stand firmly on their own)."

Aish explores Gevurah, or "strength" as usually understood to be G-d's punishment of the wicked and judgement of humanity. It is the foundation of stringency, absolute adherence to the letter of the law, and strict meting out of justice." However, Aish continues that Gevurah goes far beyond strictness and judgment. "When G-d said, 'Let there be a firmament,' the world kept stretching and expanding, until G-d said, 'Enough!' and it came to a standstill." Human interaction is both defined, and limited. It's up to us to make our interactions just, effective, and inspiring.

In agriculture, we work with the foundation of the earth, its fields, valleys and surfaces. Through careful action, we produce the crops that feed and bind us together in sustenance.

Action: Reflect upon the different types of the Earth's surfaces, and the varied crops that each yields. Relate them to the different aspects of strength that we receive from each crop. Imagine the power and strength that we are also receiving!