Netzach of Hod
by Judith E. Felsen
It is not any power over that I seek
but strength of my surrender To Your will
and trust in all Your ways.
In that it matters not if I am as a subtle breeze
or mighty roar of gale force might, as both Your winds of power
and Your gentler breaths do speak of You.
I can only yearn that practice of Your Torah/mitzvot
with devekut, ahavah, all longing of my deepest prayers
assists in clearing channels that prepare me daily
as an empty vessel through which
Your winds of heaven flow.
Am I today victorious over the winds of emotion, desire and will which I experience as ruling me?
Am I today triumphant over inner barriers, defenses and rationalizations which may lead me to misdirect my actions as unbridled winds may cause unwanted effects?
May I today allow myself to feel the power of the truth of Torah as the wind upon my back empowering my action.
May I today recognize, acknowledge and embrace the experience of such a wind empowering me now and always?