Day 35: Malchut b’Hod

Malchut of Hod

by Judith E. Felsen

The heavens are exalted in their brilliance

as their grandeur is of You.

Each star reserves a place of dignity

and majesty to call its own

and yet all bodies are respected

lights within Your great divine display.

Each one of us is as Your star

with role assigned in Hashem’s greater plans.

We take our place in heaven’s script through

Torah, mitzvot , prayer by which the light we do retrieve

Illuminates our constellation.

Your kingdom here on earth is lit by You through us

as we, Your earthly luminaries extend Your majesty divine,

in sparks of holiness through daily acts

directed by Your will and created in Your love.

As we gaze above to heaven’s starlit majesty,

we touch the divine core within, the You that dwells in us.


Am I willing to allow myself to be a creator within the divine plan?

Am I willing to commit today to clear any blocks, internally and perhaps externally, to allow my life to be a channel of divine creation?

Today I acknowledge my divine center.

Today I know I am a part of my Creator and a star of brilliant light within G-d’s constellation.


Am I willing today to participate in the divine constellation as a brilliant star among stars?

Am I willing today to offer mitzvot that will divine illumination?

Today I recognize the magnitude of what can be created with the will of G-d and that I am a part of that creation.

Today I humbly take responsibility for the majesty of creations and my role here on earth.