Earth Etude for Elul 29- Shanah Tovah

photos by Gabi Mezger
text by Rabbi Katy Z. Allen
May you find yourself in the new year constantly in motion…
surrounded by love like a seal in water…


reflecting light visible even in the light of those around you…


moving slowly when necessary, yet always steadily…
raging ferociously against the ills and injustices of the world…



with unending energy, unceasing in your efforts like the constantly moving waves…


zeroing in on what is most beautiful and most nourishing…


spreading your wings as wide as possible…


leaping as high as the highest waves…


picking yourself up after the inevitable falls…
soaring with grace and beauty…



at times alone, but always in the direction that is right for you…


traveling often in the company of others…


treading gently when you must…
and always remembering who and what you are.
Wishing you shana tova – a good year – from the bottom of our hearts.
Rabbi Katy and Gabi