Statements of Support for My book, “Judaism and Vegetarianism
These blurbs for my my 3rd edition of “judaism and Vegetarianism.” The complete book and over 250 related articles can be freely read at I plan to add individual chapters from the book as blogs in the coming days, in the hope that it will be useful to readers.
It is to be hoped that this major publication will not only adorn the bookshelf of many a Jewish home, but will also become a guide to an ever- increasing movement of Jews toward vegetarianism, born out of sincere religious conviction rooted in our most sublime teachings.—David Rosen, former Chief Rabbi of Ireland
My own view is that a vegetarian diet may in fact hasten the coming of Moshiach (the Messiah). The more we live as if this were the messianic age the closer we are to it. Richard Schwartz’s Judaism and Vegetarianism is a powerful guide to moving self and society closer to Moshiach.—Rabbi Rami Shapiro, author, The Way of Solomon, and founder and director of The Virtual Yeshiva and Simply Jewish
Richard Schwartz is changing the world and I am proud to be his friend. You do not have to be a Jew to read and enjoy Judaism and Vegetarianism. Richard has brilliantly written a most fascinating book, no matter what your religion. I found it to be one of the best books I’ve ever read.— Howard F. Lyman, President, EarthSave International; author, Mad Cowboy
Why, I have wondered, are so many Jews today shifting toward a more vegetarian diet? In his scholarly and thoughtful style, Richard Schwartz demonstrates the profound imperatives at the heart of the Jewish faith that lead inexorably in a vegetarian direction. He shows us that to be a mensch today, to be a whole and healthy and fully human being, you have to bring your food choices into alignment with your ethics, and that means, for anyone who aspires towards peace and compassion, eating a plant-based diet.—John Robbins, author, Diet for a New America and The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World
Thank God, and Professor Richard Schwartz, for a very accurate, very readable, very stirring book! The author’s intellectual integrity, moral passion, and simple human warmth help illustrate a hitherto almost unexplored, yet vastly important territory. His Jewish commitments are as profound as his ethical concerns are universal. The work is a challenge to mind and soul, a call to the conscience, and a guide for practical, necessary action. There must be much acclaim for this brave, pioneering, shiningly humane achievement.—Dr. Andre Ungar, Rabbi of Temple Emanuel, Westwood, New Jersey; former chairman of the Hebraic Studies Department, Rutgers University
Jews like me who have (so far) not become full vegetarians will still (like me) find Schwartz’s analysis of the problems of meat-eating to be serious food not only for thought but for action to eat far less meat. And those who are drawn to explore the deeper meanings of Torah will find Schwartz a good and careful guide in this aspect of Jewish tradition. For us who are all the People of the Mouth—whether it is food in or words out—this is an important book.—Rabbi Arthur Waskow, author, Down-To-Earth Judaism: Food, Money, Sex, and the Rest of Life, Godwrestling—Round 2, and several other books
Search no further, Richard H. Schwartz has covered all the conceivable aspects of non-meat-eating and the Jewish religion.
—Marc Leepson, The Vegetarian Voice
Schwartz makes his most original contribution by showing that for each of the standard arguments in favor of vegetarianism, there is a specifically Jewish approach which underpins the vegetarian position.—The Vegetarian Activist
A brilliant book of outstanding merit….A classic that should find its way into every Jewish bookcase and certainly of interest to all others who love to widen their knowledge of the ancient and compassionate philosophies.—Victor Ruben, Jewish Vegetarian
This is a convincing, compassionate, and comprehensive argu- ment…marshals overpowering evidence…amply documented…. [We] will be compelled to think most seriously about the issues raised in this provocative book.—Harry Essrig, The American Rabbi
Professor Schwartz has presented us with impressive material supporting his thesis that a practical, healthy, and Torah way of eating is through vegetarianism.—Emunah
Dr. Schwartz’s work should find a place in the home library of every thinking individual, religious or not. It should become required reading for
high schools, and certainly in pre-marriage counseling….—“Nutrition for Better Health,” Shirley Mandel, The Jewish Press
By any standard of measurement, this is an extraordinary book; it covers a field never before explained. When you get through its pages, you might shake your head in bewilderment and say, “This is all so true, why hasn’t it been said before?”—Health Page, Simon Bloom, American Jewish Ledger
It would be hard for anyone ethically sensitive—Jew or non-Jew—to read this book and not take up the vegetarian cause.—Paul Peabody, Fellowship of Reconciliation
A titan in its glorification of the Jewish faith and spirit.—Rabbi Marcus Kramer, Staten Island Advance
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