by Judith Felsen, Ph.D.
Is this You?
Your eyes behind the mask
search lights beaming,
bridging gaps of social distance,
gazes merge in glances
momentary soul connection
Is this You?
Body wracked
breath ventilated
clinging to existence
space suited team in rescue
heroism humbly shared
facing of death
Is this You?
Twisted pain contorted reason
human armed,
weapons fired in hate
murder of resentment
revenge, retaliation
mind and deed in separated state
Is this You?
Marching, bannered, shouting, chanting,
claiming, presence, voices heard
constructing deconstructing
challenging our history
standing firm
creating our tomorrow
Is this You?
Planet ailing, melting, dying,
groaning for a consciousness
ending of abuse
pleading for a chance to live
supporting life tomorrow
Is this You?
A country split, divided, torn apart
conflict without resolution
language hijacked
Babel’s fate in modern times
reaction without reconciliation
union shatters, grief presides
Is this You?
In terror, plague and hate
thirteen qualities
revealed, requested or expressed
attributes of You
hidden or displayed
expression and constriction
creation and destruction
must be You
Is this You?
Is this Your invitation,
our meeting in the field
destination in our daily lives
path to transform pain for good
converting deeds of hate to acts of mercy
meeting daily in the field
bringing Sparks
seeing You in all
our journey home
with You
© J.Felsen, Ph.D. 7/29/20
Judith Felsen, Ph.D. is a N.Y.S. Licensed Clinical Psychologist who resides in Bartlett, N.H. at the edge of the White Mt. National Forest. Judith is a lover of and advocate for nature and all life, a hiker, walker, dancer, meditator, poetess, volunteer, gardener, wife and dog mother of two rescue dogs. She offers consulting upon request and spends time practicing and studying various treatment and healing modalities. She is on the board of the Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation, the Mt. Washington Valley Havurah and Neskaya Center for Movement Arts. Since Covid-19 Judith and Jack, her husband, have lived in Long Beach, New York where she practices, walks the beach, boardwalk and delights in the garden Jack cultivated. Judith participates in virtual services and is active in the Jewish community of both New Hampshire and New York. This year, Judith and her husband were awarded the JFNH Shem Tov Award for work on Holocaust and Genocide Education, related studies and offerings to the public and other organizations and audiences. Judith and Jack are second generation survivors and work to enhance the end of genocide for all.
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