Why Jews Should Not Support Republicans in the US Midterm Elections

There are many reasons why Jews should not support Republican candidates in the potentially very consequential US midterm elections. They include:

1. Republican politicians have become like a cult, supporting former President Trump’s “big lie” that he won the 2020 presidential election and his many other lies, misrepresentations, and conspiracy theories. They contend that Trump won despite the very strong evidence to the contrary, including: (1) all of the pre-election polls, including those conducted by Fox News, showed Joe Biden with major leads, (2) Republican claims of fraud were denied by 61 US judges, including many appointed by Trump, and several times by the US Supreme Court, with its 6-3 Conservative majority, and (3) Republicans did well, better than predicted, in the 2020 congressional elections on the same ballots that Trump and other Republicans claim involved fraud.     

     Most Republicans still support Trump, despite his making 30,573 false or misleading statements during his four years as president, according to the Washington Post fact checker.

2. Based on the false claim that Trump won the 2020\ election, Republicans are doing everything possible to make it difficult for certain groups to vote and backing other steps to undermine democratic values, in order to regain power, despite the wishes of the majority of the American people. They are even promoting candidates for state positions who would have the ability and willingness to overturn the results of fair elections that produce Democratic victories.

     Since the Republicans already control the Supreme Court,  if they regain power in the House and Senate in 2022 and the presidency in 2024 based on their undemocratic efforts, the US would likely become an autocracy, with the will of the people thwarted.     

3. Despite climate events becoming more frequent and severe and the increasingly dire predictions of climate experts, the Republican Party has consistently opposed efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At a time when UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has declared that the climate crisis is a “Code Red for humanity” and that “delay means death,” the world can’t afford renewed Republican rule, involving additional pullback from efforts to reduce climate change.     

     Israelis should be especially concerned about climate threats. Because of climate change, the Middle East is becoming hotter and drier and, according to military experts, this makes violence, terrorism , and war more likely. If the rapid melting of polar icecaps and glaciers continue, the coastal plain that contains most of Israel’s population and infrastructure will be inundated by a rising Mediterranean Sea. Climate experts have projected a possible rise of one meter (over three feet) by 2050 and a rise of 2.5 meters (over 8 feet) by 2100, and a possible increase of five degrees Celsius above pre-industrial conditions by 2100.

5. Instead of working with Democrats on legislation that benefits Americans, every Republican Congress member opposed the recently passed “Inflation Reduction Act,” although it included many positive features, including: the largest US investment in history to reduce climate threats, potentially reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030; a reduction in the costs of prescription drugs for older Americas; health care subsidies for Americans; and the potential to reduce inflation and the US national debt. 

6. Despite the many mass shootings that have taken place in the US, almost all, if not all, US Republican Congressional members have consistently opposed efforts to impose background checks for people wishing to buy guns and also efforts to prevent them from having easy access to weapons of war. They are putting the interests of the National Rifle Association ahead of the safety of the American people.

7. Republican policies are contrary to basic Jewish values in terms of concern for the disadvantaged, the stranger, the hungry , and the poor. Rather than improving ObamaCare, which provided health insurance to tens of millions of Americans, Trump and other Republicans supported health legislation that would have caused up to 32 million Americans to lose their insurance and others to pay higher premiums. Rather than supporting efforts to rebuild the US crumbling infrastructure, given a grade of  D+ by the American Society of Civil Engineers, Republicans seek to provide tax benefits to the wealthiest Americans and highly profitable corporations, even if it increases the national debt. Republicans have long ought to cut social security, medicare, medicaid, and environmental and health protections.

8. The unprecedentedly extreme and untethered Supreme Court, with five of its six conservative members appointed by Republican presidents who lost the popular vote, opposes the long-entrenched legal bases for privacy, abortion rights, contraception, marriage rights, gun restrictions, and environmental and other necessary regulations. 

9. Trump and many Republican legislators have made antisemitic statements and have failed to condemn white nationalist and other biased organizations.

10. Republicans downplayed the importance of wearing masks and vaccinations, causing the unnecessary loss of tens of thousands of innocent lives from the coronavirus epidemic, while Democrats have worked to minimize coronavirus infections. 

     So, there are many reasons Jews should support Democrats rather than Republicans in the upcoming midterms. But it is important to respond to some counterarguments.

Counterargument 1: Republicans deserve credit for their strong support of Israel.

Response: Yes, Trump did some positive things related to Israel, but he did two very negative things related to Israel and the world: (1) pulling out of the 2015 UN Paris climate change agreement that assigned by leaders of 195 nations, including the US and Israel, impeding progress toward reducing climate threats, and (2) pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, resulting in Iran being much closer to a nuclear weapon and being in a far better bargains position in negotiations for a renewed agreement. Also, except for a handful of extremists, Democratic Congressional members, including all their leaders, have been strongly supportive of Israel, voting constantly in support of funding for the Iron Dome and other Israeli defense needs. 

Counterargument 2: Republicans deserve support because of the current terrible US economic conditions:

Response: Yes, inflation is extremely high in the US now, but this is true worldwide, with many countries, including the UK, with even higher inflation rates. The high global inflation is largely due to the Corona pandemic and the Ukraine war, so it should not be blamed on President Biden and the Democrats. It should also be kept in mind the historically Americans have done far better economically under Democratic rule than under Republican rule, so it should not be assumed that Americans will be economically better off if Republicans are returned to power. Also, during the Biden administration a record ten million net jobs have been created and Democrats have been promoting steps to reduce inflation by, for example reducing pharmaceutical costs, steps opposed by Republican legislators.

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