An Evening of Earth Etudes for Elul!

Join us for our Zoom Program on Thursday, August 24th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm EDT

The 30 days of Elul (Elul 1 starts the evening of August 17) are a time for cheshbon hanefesh (soul searching) and teshuvah (return, repentance). They are a time to turn from the ways in which we have missed the mark and return to G!d and our best selves. Elul is a time to be reborn, transformed, and renewed.

This year for the first time, JCAN-MA and Ma’yan Tikya be hosting “An Evening of Earth Etudes for Elul,” a time of reading and reflection, during which selected Etude writers will join us to share their works and engage with us in meditation and thoughtful conversation.

Sign up here to join us for An Evening of Earth Etudes for Elul on Thursday, August 24, from 7:00-8:30 PM EDT.