The Judaism of Richard
A Study Evening Celebrating Prof. Richard Schwartz’s 90th birthday
Tuesday, April 9th (Aleph B’Nisan), 7:30 pm Israeli time, 12:30 PM US Eastern time
8 Balfour Street, Jerusalem.
With speakers Rabbi David Rosen, Professor Yael Shemesh, Rabbi Adam Frank and Prof. Richard Schwartz himself.
“Judaism and Vegetarianism,” “Judaism and Global Survival,” “Vegan Revolution,” and “Who Stole My Religion” are just some of the books by pioneering Jewish scholar Richard Schwartz. He also has over 300 articles at For decades Prof. Schwartz has been a leading voice advancing Jewish responses to our current pressing problems. Eight years ago Richard made aliya from the US with his wife, and he keeps writing and raising alarm calls from his new home in the Judean Hills. This study-evening will be inspired by his vision of Tikkun Olam and his ideas on the way Jewish teachings project on our diet in this imperiled world of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Admission free.
Light vegan refreshments will be served.
No presents are expected!
The event can be watched via Zoom, starting at 7:45 PM Israeli time (12:30 PM E
About our other speakers:
The International Director of Interreligious Affairs of the American Jewish Committee for more than two decades, Rabbi David Rosen has taken leave from this position to serve as the Special Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi. He is the former chief rabbi of Ireland.
Prof. Yael Shemesh is a professor in the Bible department of Bar Ilan University. In addition to her scholarly work, which concerns , inter alia, the issue of compassion towards animals, Prof. Shemesh is a long-distance runner and author of the blog “Long Distance Vegan.”
Rabbi Adam Frank served as rabbi of the Conservative Movement’s Congregation Moreshet Yisrael in downtown Jerusalem, from 2005 to 2019. He is an activist in the areas of religious pluralism and animal welfare in Israel (co-chair of the Jerusalem Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
Message in the Jerusalem Post
Vegans and Vegetarians flock to Balfour Street
■ VEGANS AND vegetarians will be flocking to 8 Balfour Street, Jerusalem, on Tuesday evening, April 9, to celebrate the 90th birthday of leading vegetarian advocate Prof. Richard Schwartz, who, together with speakers Rabbi David Rosen, Prof. Yael Shemesh, and Rabbi Adam Frank, will expound on Judaism and vegetarianism, and how abstaining from nonvegetarian and non-vegan products fits in with the Jewish concept of tikkun olam – fixing the world. A prolific writer, Schwartz has written extensively on the topic.
Rosen, the longtime international director of interreligious affairs of the American Jewish Committee, has taken leave from this position to serve as the special adviser to the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi.
Shemesh, in addition to being an eminent Bible scholar, is a long-distance runner. She is a faculty member of the Bible department of Bar-Ilan University, and her various areas of interest include compassion toward animals.
Frank, who is the former spiritual leader of the Moreshet Israel Conservative Congregation in Jerusalem, is an activist in the spheres of religious pluralism and animal welfare, and cochairman of the Jerusalem Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Needless to say, the refreshments to be served will be vegan.