All the Earth Etudes for Elul–5784
Connecting the Meaning of our Lives to the Spirit of Judaism: Tikkun Olam – Repairing our World
Elul is almost here–by Rabbi Katy Allen: The moon is waning once again, this time telling us that we are approaching the Jewish month of Elul. READ MORE…
~Earth Etude for Rosh Hodesh by Rabbi Asher Chaim Sofman : Turning Earthward…I sit in my backyard on a cool and beautiful August day…READ MORE…
~ Earth Etude for Elul 1 by Rabbi Louis Polisson: Waves: The sound of waves…Breaking on the seashore…Heralding…The coming of the time for return… Read More
~ Earth Etude for Elul 2 by Enid C. Lader: I Walked on the Pier above the Saint Lawrence River…It happened to be across the street from a grand cathedral built in honor of Saint Anne…
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~ Earth Etude for Elul 3 by Rabbi Janet Madden, PhD: The Tides of Teshuvah. Teshuvah means repentance or trying to win forgiveness. Rabbi Janet Madden’s poem explains the connection between Teshuvah and Elul… Read More
~ Earth Etude for Elul 4 by Rabbi Katy Z. Allen: Arise… Read More of this beautiful poem.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 5 by Rabbi Ora Nitkin-Kaner: Why is Despair So Compelling? Let me be alive for what this day brings. Read more .
~ Earth Etude for Elul 6 by Rabbi Mark Moskowitz: Repentant and Grounded–Allyship in Elul. One of the reasons that we are called “Earthlings,” b’nei adam in Hebrew, is because our ability to return to a pristine state of purity can be achieved through our connection to the Earth. Read More
~ Earth Etude for Elul 7 by Judith Felsen, Ph.D.: Love Psalm from Elohim–“be with the speech of Elohim, the wind, the seas, the sparkle of the stars; let Hashem’s nature carry you on wings, walk with you in gardens, gaze with you at skies and moon…” Read more
~ Earth Etude for Elul 8 by Rabbi Robin Damsky: Dropping Our Leaves— I think of a deciduous tree as August turns to September, October, November. Its leaves turn color, becoming a sight most awesome to behold… Read more
~ Earth Etude for Elul 9 by Lisa M. Miller: I COME HOME–…” walk my wild rocky woodland…” Read More
~ Earth Etude for Elul 10 by Leah F. Cassorla, Ph.D.: Climate and the Sh’ma–Earth Etude for Elul 10 by Leah F. Cassorla, Ph.D.: Climate and the Sh’ma— T’shuvah, in Judaism, requires more than recognition of our bad choices, it requires action. Read More.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 11 by Rabbi David Seidenberg: God’s eyes on the Land: Why are ancestors chose a land “of hills and valleys” …The Torah compares the land of Egypt to the land of Canaan… Read More.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 12 by Rabbi Paul Plotkin: Learn to Acknowledge Defeat–I have been a vegetable and herb gardener for the last 30 years. That means that I have had the pleasure of tasting wonderful tomatoes and carrots, snow peas, peppers and eggplants…Read More
~ Earth Etude for Elul 13 by Rabbi Margie Jacobs: Uncovering the Moon: The Compass of Compassion — Growing up, I was taught that our prayers on the High Holidays were an effort to move God, who sits on a throne of judgment on Rosh Hashanah, writing our fate in the Book of Life… Read more
~ Earth Etude for Elul 14 by Rabbi Dr. Nachson Siritsky: Love is the Breath of the Soul —Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li: I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is Mine…Read More.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 15 by Rabbi Susan Elkodsi: Appreciating Nature’s Gifts —The tiny island country of Iceland sits atop two tectonic plates, the North American plate, and the Eurasian plate, which accounts for most of its landscape, along with its continual seismic activity…Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 16 by Cara Judea Alhadeff, Ph.D.: Zazu Dreams – Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle — A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene Era — Our collaboration combines four generations: Zazu (the dreamer), Cara/Mommia (the storyteller), Micaela/Nana (the artist) and Grand Papoo (the family photographer). Vandana Shiva wrote the foreword for the updated, 2024 edition. Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 17 by Sheryl J. Shapiro: Trace –– In this chilly September twilight… Read more…
~ Earth Etude for Elul 18 by Margaret Frisch-Klein: Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall…Trees are like friends. Torah is a Tree of Life, so says Proverbs. Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 19 by Andy Oram: Greenwashing Initiatives Pollute the Mikvah–Insincere gesture — The Jewish tradition addresses the need for sincerity directly when discussing t’shuva, the turn back to ethical paths during the High Holidays…Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 20 by Judith Black: Humans and Beavers: “A Short Reflection…” Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 21 by Kohenet Sephirah Oskello: GoldenRod’s Teaching for Elul–As we journey through the Wheel of the Year, it is a gift to cultivate the soil and learn from the cycles of the earth. Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 22 by Carly Sachs: The Thread of Elul… What does thunder say and what storm or visitor has come to quench the secret thirst of the soul… Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 23 by Ivy Helman: On Gardening and Our Spiritual Gardens–Our connection to the runs deep. It is recognized in the Torah. Read More.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 24 by Thea Iberall, Ph.D. : Past, Present, and Future — I’m at a shoreline retreat rocking on the dining hall porch … Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 25 by Rabbi Steven J. Rubenstein, BCC: A Photographic Essay of Teshuvah in Seven “Verses” — 1. God said, “Let there be vegetation of all kinds to create a sense of awe and wonder in my creatures…” Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 26 by Rabbi Marisa James: Tending The Earth — We do live in overwhelming times, as have so many of our ancestors, but I suspect that my great-grandparents’ lack of the internet and 24-hour news cycle made it somewhat easier to cope…Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 27 by Akiko Yonekawa: Returning to Potential — “As a child growing up in Los Angeles, I had simple plans for adult life: to be an artist, teacher, actor, and/or mom…” Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 28 by Maxine Lyons: Hineni – A Heart-centered Etude for this Season. Hineni – Here I am – proclaiming the abundance and beauty of nature… Read more.
~ Earth Etude for Elul 29 by Rabbi Judy Kummer: This is Where It all Begins — Human beings have often pondered the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg … Read more.
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