Join us for a transformative and life changing summer….come if for a week, a month, a summer!
Community Kollel Sessions & Dates
Contact Lisa Bodziner for more information:
JUNE: Session Aleph- The FourFold Song
May 25th– July 1ST
Learning themes:
1. Perek Shira- The Song of all Creation 2. Judaism and Humanity
3. Clal Israel- The Jewish community 4. Self-Cultivation & Shmirat Haguf
Special Events: Shavuot Celebration, the Chesapeake Watershed Pilgrimage, and EcoDash!
Pricing: 4 weeks: $700.00 2 weeks: $450.00 1 week: $300.00
JULY: Session Beit- Hands-On Melachot
July 2nd-July 28TH, Featuring Yaffa Epstein, Pardes Institute Faculty
Learning themes:
1. Bread making- plowing, planting, threshing, and more
2. Slaughtering, hide-tanning, and safrut- scribal arts
3. Clothes-making- Dying, knotting, and weaving
4. Cob Building, primitive fire building
Special Events: Kayam’s 2nd Annual Jewish Early Childhood Outdoor Education conference
Pricing: 4 weeks: $600.00 2 weeks: $400.00 1 week: $250.00
AUGUST: Session Gimel- Hebrew Permaculture
July 30-Aug 17th, Featuring Yigal Deutscher, Founder of 7Seeds Hebrew Permaculture
Learning themes:
1. Hebrew Calendar
2. Primary Elements & Directions
3. Shabbat, Shmittah, & Yovel
Special Events: Kayam Farm Family Camp & Interfaith Farm Day!
Pricing: 3 weeks: $450.00 2 weeks: $350.00 1 week: $250.00
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