Community Organizing Training

Jewish Energy Network – Community Organizing Training

with JOIN for Justice

March 13-14 – Washington, DC

Gain the skills you need to take action!

CLICK HERE to apply

Creating systemic change can be challenging. But there are tools that can help! Gain skills to take action in your community.

In support of the Jewish Energy Covenant Campaign and the Jewish Energy Network, COEJL is convening a two-day community organizing training, in partnership with JOIN for Justice, in Washington DC on March 13 and 14.

This training will provide you with community organizing skills to take action on climate change and energy dependence at your synagogue or Jewish organization.

Join us in Washington, DC, on March 13 and 14. Click here to apply!

What: Community organizing training for energy advocacy and action

Participants must agree to initiate an energy advocacy or reduction initiative at their synagogue or Jewish organization. COEJL will provide mentorship to help participants reach their goals.

Read a sample list of initiatives.

Two-Day Training Dates: March 13-14, 2013

Wednesday, March 13:10:00 am to 5:00 pm and

Thursday, March 14: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Follow up webinars and programming will be offered throughout the year.

Where: Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

2027 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest

Washington, DC 20036

Cost: $72 registration fee

Price includes kosher lunch and light breakfast. Dinner is not included.

Payment is due within two weeks of being accepted into the training.

This training is a project of the Jewish Energy Network, which is mobilizing passionate Jewish individuals to help their communities reduce energy use and increase energy advocacy within the Jewish community.

What is community organizing?

Community organizing is a social change model that builds change from the bottom up. By connecting people to each other and identifying shared values and concerns, community organizing builds deep relationships and helps people to act together to transform their communities for the better.

As people who care about environmental and social change, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the size of the problems and the dearth of people who seem to care enough to take the lead. By connecting people to each other and to issues they are passionate about, organizing harnesses the power of the community to influence key decision makers and get more done than a small group of committed activists could alone. Community organizing also deepens community relationships and develops leaders, so that when one project is done, the community is more able to tackle the next challenge.