Light the Way – Support Pope Francis’ Call for Climate Action on September 24

Pope Francis is speaking to world leaders at the UN on September 25 with a simple message for politicians: There is no more time for talk.  Now is the time to act on climate change.

In his recent encyclical on climate change, Pope Francis wrote that “…faced as we are with global environmental deterioration. I wish to address every living person on this planet.”   His impassioned message to humanity was drawn from Torah.  He wrote that Genesis 2 teaches us that we are required to respect and protect the dignity of every human being.  And Psalm 148 is a powerful lesson in the interconnection of all life.  He wrote about the implications of the Sabbath, the Shmita Year, and the Yovel, for a world faced with climate change.

Let’s make sure his message is heard!  On the evening of Thursday, September 24, the night before Pope Francis speaks at the UN, Jews will be joining with other people of faith to Light the Way at a multi-faith Festival of Prayer and Music, just a few blocks from the United Nations.  The program will continue into the evening with in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which will also be released on September 25.  Following the Festival, a vigil will be held at the Church of Our Saviour at 59 Park Avenue.

As we celebrate this season of teshuvah, tefilah, and tzedakah  —  repentance, prayer, and justice – let’s put our words into action.  Meet us at Light the Way to offer prayers, meditations, and music, and to show the leaders meeting at the UN that we support a 100% renewable energy, zero poverty future.

Light the Way Multi-faith Festival of Prayer and Music

 Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 4:30 pm

Dag Hammarskjold Plaza

47th Street and First Avenue

Information about the Light the Way Festival of Prayer and Music is available at .  For more on Pope Francis’ Encyclical, see What the Pope’s Climate Change Edict Means for the Jews and Three Gifts From Jewish Tradition.  Here is a climate-themed kavanah you can offer during your services.