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Jewish Farm School Intensive! Natural Building and Herbal Medicine
These four-day hands-on workshops will take place simultaneously with the Jewish Farm School on the Farm at Eden Village. Come learn and work with the earth's medicine and nature's building materials. Enjoy the beuaty of Eden Village's 250 acres in the Hudson Valley. Food will be mostly organic, vegetarian and cooked by our fabulous chefs. Monday, June 13th - Thursday, June 16th Start and end time at 12pm 25% ...
Chickens and Jews
Chickens and Jews By Jessica Nordell The sky was gray and feathery white the morning of the Backyard Chickens workshop with the Jewish Farm School, an ag-education organization that offers classes on the Farm at Eden Village near Cold Spring, north of New York City. The workshop had attracted a motley crew-- a homeschooling family from Jersey, a young couple from the Bronx, a woman who'd acquired some land that "came with ...