211 results for author: Susan Levine
Earth Etude for Elul 10
Objects as Storytellers: CoEvolving with Thomas Berry
by Cara Judea Alhadeff, Ph.D.
This video excerpt made with Jay Canode and Shahab Zagari plays with the absurdity and complexity of our consumption-obsessed, waste-oblivious society--particularly in the midst of greenwashing, environmental racism / green colonialism, and the fallacious "renewable" energies movement. Dancing in front of a diptych of West Virginian children coal miners from the 1800s with Congolese children lithium miners, I am wearing Ellza Coyle's VHS tape-ribbon hand-knitted, moebius-looped dress--(inspired by the artist’s loom-woven cassette-tape outfits). The VHS ...
Earth Etude for Elul 9
Living in a Fragile World: A Torah Godly Play Story
by Rabbi Michael Shire
~I wonder if you have ever looked up at the night sky and wondered how big it is…how far it stretches…..how immense the universe is……?
Or how there are thousands upon thousands of suns, stars, planets and moons, thousands of solar systems and galaxies?
And I wonder how you feel when you look up into the vast space and how see how very big it is?
I wonder what you feel when you realize that you are part of it…and also that it is part of you?
And God saw all there was in the universe and said ‘It is good’
In that ...
Earth Etude for Elul 8
Canadian Wilderness
by Rabbi Margaret Frisch Klein
I am a lifelong Girl Scout. My love of the out-of-doors comes from many years camping, hiking, canoeing at Girl Scout camps throughout the Midwest, New England and yes Canada. All summer I have been haunted by an old camp song, known as “Canadian Wilderness” or “The Life of a Voyager”.
One verse sings:
“Call of the lonely looncoyotes howling at the moonwind rustling through the treesthat’s a Canadian breezesmoke rising from the fireup through the trees in a stately spirebreathe a sigh in the evening glowsun goes down, those north winds blow”
It paints a picture of ...
Earth Etude for Elul 7
Creatress of Night and Day
by Rabbi Louis Polisson
~Blessed is She
Who causes day to pass and brings the night (1)
May She raise up perfect healing to all who are struck (2)
Whether they are silent, plant, a living animal, a speaking being (3)
Light from darkness, darkness from light (1)
May She bring us out from the demonic fire (4)
The harmful impulse
May She cause us to cleave to the good impulse and acts of repair (5)
Deeds of healing
In wisdom She opens the gates of righteousness (1, 6)
And in understanding she diversifies created beings (1, 7)
At the ...
Earth Etude for Elul 6
by Judith Felsen, Ph.D.
~Blessed are we who have strayed and returned
called back by Your mercy,
awakened from selfishness to holiness,
from cruelty to kindness.
Unseeing we concealed, justified, perfected,
means to reach our ends, claim desires,
perhaps ignorant of damage done,
unaware of straying far from You.
Detours often deadly to our peace,
balance and well- being are brought to halt,
corrected paths of our atonement filled,
with deep regret, our shame and sadness,
healthy guilt a guide of our return to holiness.
Returned we recognize the place from which we came.
Blessed we are to live in ...
Earth Etude for Elul 5
Priestly Atonement and Cleansing the Environment
by Andy Oram
~Can you really have an impact on climate change by switching to veggie burgers or lowering the heat in Winter? How about making a change at work that shaves some of the carbon footprint off of your product? Do these really matter when the world continues to pump tons more carbon into the atmosphere each year?
The Jewish tradition offers a useful perspective on this question in the afternoon Yom Kippur service, where we recreate the atonement ceremonies of the Temple's High Priest. Atonement is divided by this tradition into three parts that must be observed in strict order: first ...
Earth Etude for Elul 4
The Ultimate Emergency is a Cancer on the Earth, but It Can Be Successfully Treated
by Deb Nam-Krane
~In 2022, after a decade of worsening symptoms that included erratic energy as well as digestive issues – and plenty of gaslighting – I was diagnosed with colon cancer. It was serious enough that even after every visible trace had been removed I needed to undergo chemotherapy treatments. Just as I should have gotten the attention I needed earlier, climate scientists should have been heeded when we were at "crisis", not "emergency". But once we identify the causes and agree on the treatments, improvements can be seen immediately.
Just as ...
Earth Etude for Elul 3
Turn it and Turn it Again
by Leah Cassorla, Ph.D
~Our lives are marked by recurrences in time and season that nonetheless are not truly a circle, but rather a spiral, in which the return of the familiar sounds more like a harmonious echo than a repetition. Even Torah and holiday cycles regularly repeat and are never the same.
This summer, with its heat waves, wildfires, and flood-causing storms, however, seems like a step out of time—in both the musical and seasonal senses. We’ve lost the rhythms of our days. We’ve become slaves.
We live in a time of great availability. My calls, for example, come to my pocket, my purse, my desk. I ...
Earth Etude for Elul 2
'A Monument'al Vacation
by Rabbi Steven J Rubenstein
During the late spring, my wife and I joined her son and daughter-in-law on a trip to Vancouver Island off the western coast of Canada, bordering Seattle, Washington. So many things reminded me of previous events in my journeys that are so life-affirming. First and foremost were the majestic mountains of the Canadian Rockies, holding on to the last vestiges of snow in late May at their peaks. They reminded me of my seven years in Denver and my view of the American Rockies on my way to work as I prayed the words:
“Mah rabu ma’asekha, Adonai...How wonderful are your works, Adonai;You ...
Earth Etude for Elul 1
Perception of Time
by Thea Iberall, Ph.D.
~I ’m driving home from Marblehead where we commemorated Erev Tisha B’Av. My trip home seems so much faster than the trip there, even though my GPS says travel time is 45 minutes each way. As I stare out the window, watching headlights cut through the darkness, I’m baffled. Why can’t I measure actual time?
We measure distance, size and number without difficulty. I can know if I can fit through a door or whether the leftover spaghetti will fit into a refrigerator container. I know how many fingers I have and I can point to where a sound is coming from. But I can’t judge the real time it ...
An Evening of Earth Etudes for Elul!
Join us for our Zoom Program on Thursday, August 24th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm EDT
The 30 days of Elul (Elul 1 starts the evening of August 17) are a time for cheshbon hanefesh (soul searching) and teshuvah (return, repentance). They are a time to turn from the ways in which we have missed the mark and return to G!d and our best selves. Elul is a time to be reborn, transformed, and renewed.
This year for the first time, JCAN-MA and Ma'yan Tikya be hosting "An Evening of Earth Etudes for Elul," a time of reading and reflection, during which selected Etude writers will join us to share their works and engage with us in medita...
Earth Etude for Elul 29: Chasing Sunrise
by Sarah Chandler
The rolling fog
Invites me
To stretch my neck
To peek at a new perspective
Not quite bright enough
To squint
My eyes wide across the valley
Trying not to wait
For something else to be
Just when I think
My orientation is eastward
The clouds above the mountain
Tickle the sky
Spreading north across the orange glow
These trees form a frame
Filled with smaller frames
So that each frame of light
Can shine through
On me
It’s the light in front of me
That allows me to re-enter
The darkness behind
Sarah Chandler aka Kohenet Shamirah is a ...
Earth Etude for Elul 28: When One Door Closes, Another Opens
by Joan Rachin
Like many of a certain age, my husband and I had decided to downsize, but unlike many others, ours was less a choice and more a necessity following his stroke two+ years ago. We loved our town, neighborhood, and street and had been making plans to “age in place” before life intervened.
As I began to survey the overwhelming task ahead, it was clear that my obsession with helping preserve what pristineness remained in nature had become disconnected from my personal behavior of “littering” our home. My husband gently commented that the books (e.g., “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning,” “Clear Your Clutter,” and ...
Earth Etude for Elul 27: Grateful Lament
by Judith Felsen, Ph.D.
My King,
How will I love You when we meet in this year’s fields of Elul?
You who have sent illness, pandemic, bloodshed, injustice, hypocrisy, fire, starvation and death…
We have been estranged and denying our separation for eons
Now it has come to this…
With my ambivalence how will I love You?
Will I remember that You sent us Your
starry sky on Your darkest night
blooms of wild flowers in Spring
symphonies of songs and calls
vocal ensembles of insects and birds
pools of wild waters, waterfalls and streams
Earth Etude for Elul 26– Turning to Shabbat: An Ecological Approach
by Dr. Leah Cassorla
In the loaming, Boobah the One-eyed Wonderdog and I sit outside in our vast, shared backyard, watching the swallows. As the evening descends, we watch the tree line of the nearby patch of forest. The lightning bugs begin their fiery dance before us, the swallows swoop in and out, and hares hop in and out of the line of sight--my line of sight as Boobah's is thankfully too restricted to catch them. I consider this beautiful, if tiny, patch of Olam Ha'bah, and it shifts me to another space.
I've been a whole-foods, plant-based eater for several years now and know it is the single most powerful choice I can make for the ...
Earth Etude for Elul 25: For the Land in Not Mine
by Rabbi Louis Polisson
And the land shall not be sold for ever; for the land is mine;
for you are strangers and sojourners with me1
And now we are learning
That the Land belongs to No One,
To the One with No End
For the earth was confusion and chaos2
And we too have become
wild and waste
Human beings from the earth
Human beings, full of harm3
for the earth
Every day
But our fate is not sealed
There is hope
There is choice
There is justice4
And there is return, an answer, repentance
The time to come close
has drawn near
The season of Elul
The time of “we are our ...
Earth Etude for Elul 24: Choosing Gratitude
by Rabbi Judy Kummer
It was my ankle that went. There I was, in the gorgeous Berkshires countryside, walking briskly with my sister-in-law on a glorious true-blue spring day, sun spilling giddily over wildflowers by the sides of the country road, bugs thrumming merrily in the long grass and the smells of freshness and potential all around.
My sister-in-law pointed out cows in a nearby field; as I glanced over at them, savoring the sunshine on my face, my foot failed to notice missing pavement at the edge of the road — and I took a tumble, twisting my ankle and swearing loudly as I hit the ground.
Pain, deep pain throbbed, along ...
Earth Etude for Elul 23: Signal Hill
by Thea Iberall, PhD
Signal Hill stands 365 feet above Long Beach in Southern California looking down on San Pedro Bay, home of the largest US port. In the 1500s, Tongva tribe members stood on the hill sending smoke signals to their families on Catalina Island. Early settlers used to call it the Bay of Smokes. Eventually, large homes were built on the hill, surrounded by an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Even a Hollywood movie studio shot films there.Signal Hill changed forever when oil was discovered in 1921. It became covered with over 100 oil derricks. They called it Porcupine Hill. It’s still a productive oil ...
Earth Etude for Elul 22: Fifty Shades of Green
by Rabbi Suri Krieger
“Green green, it’s green they say, on the far side of the hill
Green green I’m goin’ away to where the grass is greener still”
It’s a song that was a familiar refrain for me in my growing up years. I loved the message as much as the melody. We were a camping kind of family, and grazing in the greenery of the woodlands was my sacred place. But wherever we went… the Green Mountains of Vermont or the Poconos of Pennsylvania… the green was always somehow marred by the inevitable Fast Food throw-aways of the various camping sojourners.
These days, I live in what I think to be the Green suburbs, where ...
Earth Etude for Elul 21: The Earth Objects
by Rabbi Charles R. Lightner
“And the giants began to kill men and to devour them. And they began to sin against the birds and the beasts and creeping things and the fish, and to devour one another’s flesh. And they drank the blood. Then the earth brought accusation against the lawless ones for all that was done on it.” (1 Enoch 7:4-6)[1]
“And again I saw them, and they began to gore one another, and the earth began to cry out.” (1 Enoch 87:1)
The Book of 1 Enoch is the oldest work of Jewish apocalypse, portions dating to the fourth century BCE. Its original language was Aramaic, and it was important to the sectarian Jews of the ...