
Thoughts on PJLL session

I learned a lot today and had fun. There are great resources. Let me know when you plant a garden at your school - we are trying to do the same. This is my second blog - ever!

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Hi I’m with the Pjll educators

I'm glad to be with them

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Hi, I’m learning about this new resource at a PJLL conference for Early Childhood Educators

This resource's content is attached.

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Hi, I’m with the PJLL educators.

Let's see if this works!

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Check out this new posting about our Silver Spring Sustainability Circle!


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Digital Detritus: The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste

by Dr. Daniel Weber In one small town in rural China, the blood of the local children is so contaminated from a specific local industry that over 80% of them are now diagnosed with significant lead poisoning[1]. Fumes filled with poisonous dioxins and heavy metals fill the lungs of workers in . Fumes filled with poisonous dioxins and heavy metals fill the lungs of workers in Accra, Ghana as they melt the plastic insulation off copper wires[2]. In . In New Delhi, India, the pots and pans used for cooking are the same ones used to isolate lead from other components ...

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