Join the thinkers and doers of the Jewish Food Movement to explore and experience a new angle on food.
- 4 days of kosher farm-to-table food in a pluralistic Jewish community and a rockin’ New Year’s Eve “Butterfly Masquerade” party
- Rabbis and leaders in Jewish thought bringing to life history, ethics, Jewish text, meaningful prayer, and more
- Expert cooking demonstrations and hands-on learning with renowned chefs
- Homesteading workshops with farmers and city folk for backyard chickens and beekeeping
- Conversations and take-home resources about food justice that will engage you in questions such as: How do poultry and pollinators affect what we eat, and how does what we eat affect them? What governmental policies are supporting or detracting from our ability to uphold our food values? And how does being Jewish fit into all these foodie issues? Learn from the experts and you will never look at eggs, bees, or food prices the same way again!