Funding Subscribe
A selection of initiatives, blogs, resources and communities on Jewcology which focus on funding.
A Green Opportunity to Share Love with Israel – Steven’s Garden
Memorial community garden founded by Tzeddekes Tamar Bittelman z"l in Tzvat reaches its “chai” birthday and new generations.
Apply to #MakeItHappen!
Have you heard? For a limited time only, you can submit an idea to create a cool Jewish experience in your community. Between October and December 2013, up to 50 ideas from around the world will be selected to receive a micro grant of up to $1,000. Five ideas could receive up to $5,000. These projects are funded by the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Philanthropic Network. Jewcology is sharing this idea because we know there are some Jewish environmental leaders out there who could use $1000 to make a big difference. Here are some details: ...
Thank you for making 2014 a Year of Engagement!
Thank you! Last night we concluded our "Year of Engagement" Campaign. With your support, COEJL and Jewcology raised over $15,000 on Indiegogo to support our 2014 Year of Jewish Policy Engagement on the Environment! Thanks so much to everyone who contributed. Your generosity made a big difference! Stay tuned for more details as we continue our Year of Action and move toward the Year of Engagement in the coming months. This campaign is complete, but we're still accepting donations to support the Year of Engagement! You can give ...
Support the Year of Engagement
Exciting news! Canfei Nesharim is teaming up with the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) through our Jewcology project, on a new joint fundraising campaign. Together, we aim to raise a total of $10,000 by the end of Tishrei, October 3. MAKE AN ELUL DONATION TO SUPPORT JEWCOLOGY NOW! With your support, in 2014 Jewcology and COEJL will partner on a "Year of Jewish Policy Engagement on the Environment," which will provide tools to help Jewish environmental activists and local leaders become more involved in environmental action at ...
Opportunity from the Nathan Cummings Foundation
On October 7-10, 2013 The Nathan Cummings Foundation will host leaders in their twenties and thirties to explore strategies to create a U.S. society by the year 2030 where our religious diversity leads us to act collaboratively for a more just, fair and compassionate country. As a Jewcology community, we feel that the more Jewish environmental leaders who apply to this event, the more likelihood that the conversation will include challenges of sustainability. We encourage you to apply for this event. The deadline to apply is this coming Monday, July ...
Making the Case for Dedicated Sustainability Staff in Jewish Non-Profits
(excerpt from draft article by Aleeza Oshry, Manager of the Sustainability Initiative for THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore) The mission-vision-values statements of our non-profit organizations focus on the necessity to provide for the welfare and needs of those in our community. Rarely do our organizations actively focus on the need to recruit and expand the internal talent to make the organization successful. The general misperception of donors is that low overhead costs maximize the effect of their donation (Pallotta, 2012). In ...
Trees, Bikes and Nature on Yom Ha’atzmaut
NEW YORK (April 26, 2012) — Falafel fests, movie nights, dance parties — Americans celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut in many ways. But what do Israelis do on Independence Day? They head outdoors. Last year so many people jammed into the country’s de-facto national-park system, run by KKL-JNF, that parks were closed because they reached capacity. So, how many people was that, you ask? About one in every five Israelis — more than 1.5 million people — which is also about the same number of trees that have been planted in Israel since ...
Peter Yarrow (from Peter, Paul & Mary) invites you to his NYC home for an Eden Village fundraiser!
Dear Friends, I'm very pleased to invite you to my home in Manhattan for a benefit supporting the extraordinary work of Eden Village Camp, the innovative Jewish farm-to-table & arts camp an hour north of NYC. Monday, April 30th 6:00 - 8:00pm Near Columbus Circle in Manhattan, NYC Local organic Kosher hors d'oeuvres & wine served Click here to buy your ticket: The happiness, excitement and heartfelt way in which the Eden Village campers and staff interact is moving and beautiful. ...
Just $1009 left to meet our match! Can you help?
Earlier this month, we told you all about Jewcology's Meet Our Match Campaign. To support our work in 2012, Jewcology has received a matching challenge grant of $20,000, and is currently raising funds to complete the match by December 31. Funds raised will be used to improve social media tools, expand leadership trainings and professionalize the our efforts. With just 9 days left to go in this campaign, Jewcology has raised over almost $19,000 toward our match goal, and we have just $1009 to go by the end of the year. Jewcology community, we have an extraordinary ...
Maccabees Redux: Oil-Fracking Fight in Israel
NEW YORK (Dec. 22, 2011) — We need another Chanukah miracle. On Chanukah we recall the victory of the few over the many and the weak over the powerful. We celebrate the miracle of the oil and of the reassertion of control over our historic homeland, the present-day land of Israel. But, as history repeats itself, this Chanukah, the role of the Greek Assyrians and local Hellenized is being played by telecommunications-giant IDT Corporation, a multinational New York Stock Exchange-listed company that aims to frack for oil across Judea through its ...
Bikes, Trees and Gardens: Greening Israel Since 2001
NEW YORK (Dec. 16, 2011) — Saving wilderness, fighting fracking, protecting Israel’s 99 percent from the world's 1 percent — what a decade it’s been! This month marks the end of the 10th anniversary of the Green Zionist Alliance. Back before Israel’s Tent Cities and Occupy Wall Street, the Green Zionist Alliance began 2011 by becoming part of a successful effort to change the equation of what percentage of natural-resource profits goes to companies and what percentage goes to the Israeli public, who collectively own the ...
Jewcology Community, We’re Almost There!
Last week, we told you all about Jewcology's Meet Our Match Campaign. To support our work in 2012, Jewcology has received a matching challenge grant of $20,000, and is currently raising funds to complete the match by December 31. Funds raised will be used to improve social media tools, expand leadership trainings and professionalize the our efforts. After a week of hard work by our leaders and sponsors, we're excited to announce a new total. Jewcology has raised over $17,000 toward our match goal, and we have less than $3,000 to go by the end of the year. Now we're ...
Why I Stay Up Past 4am to Write About Saving the World
Disclaimer: This post is true, it’s is written live, without notes and without editing. Like a moth by a flame I am driven to write! Tonight will make 3 nights in a row that I have stayed up past 4am working, and had to get up again less than 4 hours later. Why do I do it? Why stay up late writing a simple blog post? I wish I could say I am writing this blog in solidarity with the protesters at Occupy, in Tahrir Square, Tel Aviv, Greece… But I’ve done that in the past and it didn’t go viral or spark a government overthrow so ...
Help Us Meet Our Match!
Today’s environmental challenge is one of the most significant issues facing the world, and many Jews are working to address this concern. Jewcology is strengthening this Jewish environmental movement and bringing Jews and Jewish communities together from around the world, to create true environmental change. Jewcology’s goal is empowering the Jewish community to lead environmental change and address the global sustainability challenge. It enables this through social media engagement tools for the global Jewish environmental network, leadership training to empower ...
Living our Values at the Festival of Eden
Warm autumn sky, a mega-stage, bicycle-churned ice cream and over 450 people celebrating sustainable Jewish living.... On September 25, 2011, Eden Village Camp held our first annual Festival of Eden. The event was a tangible way for the community to experientially connect with principles of sustainability, environmentalism, and Jewish tradition. Eden Village Camp nourishes the connections between self, community, earth, and spirit with socially and environmentally conscious programming that is firmly rooted in Jewish tradition. The Festival of Eden showcased this ...