U.S. House of Representatives
Chairman Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), Chairman Ed Markey (D-MA) and Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) have created a vehicle for Congress to show its support for US climate leadership by introducing "Principles for Global Warming Legislation." The principles highlight four central features of effective legislation:
Reduce emissions to avoid dangerous global warming;
Transition America to a clean energy economy;
Recognize and minimize any economic impacts from global warming legislation; and
Aid communities and ecosystems vulnerable to harm from global warming
The Jewish community supports these principles and believes they provide a sound foundation for federal climate change legislation.
In addition to the Climate Principles, there are several efforts underway in the House to introduce national legislation to restrict greenhouse gas emissions. Representative Markey has introduced the Investing in Climate Action and Protection Act (iCAP, HR 6186) and Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) has introduced the Climate MATTERS Act (HR 6316, Climate Market Auction Trust and Trade Emissions Reduction System) to institute a strong cap-and-trade system designed to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. While it is unclear whether either of these initiatives will be considered by the full House, it is nonetheless important for your Congressmen to know that their constituents support aggressive US climate change legislation.
Click here to view a copy of the "Dear Colleague" letter annunciating principles for global warming legislation. Click here for a list of current signatories.
ACTION: If your Member of Congress has already signed the Dear Colleague letter, thank your Representative for his or her leadership. If not, encourage your Member to join the dozens of Representatives who have already shown their support. Further ask your Representative to support comprehensive and aggressive climate change legislation, such as the Investing in Climate Action and Protection Act (iCAP) introduced by Representative Markey this summer. You can reach your Representative by calling the switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the appropriate office.