Advocacy Opportunities: Senate
The United States Senate has finally begun to make strides toward addressing the climate crisis. On December 5, 2007, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee passed America's Climate Security Act (S 3036) out of Committee. The Bill, introduced by Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and John Warner (R-VA) took important first steps toward reducing our nation's greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, the bill did not secure the 60 votes needed to
proceed to debate. Nonetheless, the June climate vote represented a historic moment for our nation.
Forty-eight Senators voted in favor of consideration of the bill and relevant amendments – including many who had opposed global warming bills in the past. [Click here to find out how your senator voted] Six additional senators who were not able to participate in the vote also indicated that they would have voted in favor of debate.3 Combined, the majority of the U.S. Senate supports moving forward on aggressive federal climate legislation. Supporters included 10 Senators who had not supported cap and trade legislation in prior votes.4 Even among the bill's opponents, there was nearly unanimous acknowledgement of what scientists have long known – global warming is real and people in the United States and around the world are already feelings the consequences, from droughts, to more extreme weather, to sea level rise. The tremendous momentum coming out of this vote sets the stage for a new president and Congress to enact strong legislation that will more effectively build a clean energy economy and prevent the worst consequences of global warming.
ACTION: If your Senators voted for the Climate Security Act, thank them for their support. Regardless of their prior vote, ask them to support comparable legislation in the future. In particular, ask your Senators to support legislation that places a firm cap on US emissions, preferably reducing emissions by 20-25% by 2020 and 80% by 2050, in accordance with the recommendations of the scientific community. Click here for additional talking points and to learn more about America's Climate Security Act.
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