On December 19, 2007, the President signed The Energy Independence and Security Act (H.R. 6) into law. Of particular interest to the Jewish community, the Act included a provision ("The United States-Israel Energy Cooperation Act", "USIECA") that would encourage cooperation between the United States and Israel on research, development, and commercialization of alternative energy, improved energy efficiency, and renewable energy sources. This provision would establish a grant program to fund joint ventures between United States and Israeli businesses and academic persons and to establish the International Energy Advisory Board.
This initiative offers great benefits to both the United States and Israel. It would help address the problems of global climate change while advancing the national security and economic interests of both the United States and Israel. This legislation will build on the long history of American/Israeli innovation and cooperation by funding the joint research and development of toward their goal of energy independence.
The Jewish community has worked to gain support for the United States-Israel Energy Cooperation Act and its inclusion in the Energy Bill is a tremendous accomplishment. To realize the possible benefits from the innovative partnerships created by this bill, it must be properly funded. Accordingly, we are seeking a $15 million funding level in the forthcoming FY 2009 Energy and Water Appropriations bill.
ACTION: Contact your Members of Congress (in both the House and Senate) and ask them to support full appropriations ($15 million in the FY 2009 Energy and Water Appropriations bill) for the US Israel Energy Cooperation Act. You can reach your Member through the switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the appropriate offices.