Central Conference of American Rabbis Resolution: Climate Change (2005)
Adopted by the 116th Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis
Houston, TX
March, 2005
…The following Jewish and secular moral principles serve as the foundation for the Conference's position on the development of agreements and policies to address climate change:
Responsibilities to Future Generations: "Therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live." (Deuteronomy 30:20) Humankind has a solemn obligation to improve the world for future generations. Minimizing climate change requires us to learn how to live within the ecological limits of the Earth, so that we will not compromise the ecological or economic security of those who come after us.
Integrity of Creation: "The human being was placed in the Garden of Eden to till it and to tend it." (Genesis 2:15) Humankind has a solemn obligation to protect the integrity of ecological systems, so that their diverse constituent species, including humans, can thrive.
…Together, the people of the world can, and must, use our God-given gifts to develop innovative strategies to meet the needs of all who currently dwell on this planet, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
THEREFORE the Central Conference of American Rabbis resolves to:
- Call on the United States Congress to take leadership on the issue of Global Climate Change and support the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act…
- Urge the federal government to immediately adopt a variety of policies to accomplish emissions reductions, including…
- Urge institutions within the Jewish communityh to promote and provide resources to conduct energy audits of private homes and communal facilities, including synagogues, schools, community centers and commercial buildings and to promote eco-friendly purchasing.
Learn more at http://rac.org/advocacy/issues/issueenv/issuecc/action/.
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