This Chanukah,
Save Energy. Save Money. Protect the Environment!
The holiday of Chanukah revolves in large part around a miracle related to olive oil. In Biblical and Talmudic times, olive oil, used for light, heat, fuel and food, was a very important resource for energy. The limitations on this resource often posed problems in ancient times — just as modern limits on availability of energy resources pose a problem today. The traditional Jewish relationship to olive oil can teach us much about how we can relate to energy today.
Celebrate with us by saving energy with Canfei Nesharim this Chanukah.
Learn and Take Actions to Energy
Learn Torah: The Miracle of the Vessels: A Story for Chanukah (includes PDF source sheet!)
Save Energy, Save Money, Protect the Environment! Read, download and share our Fact Sheet on Saving Energy with a Torah Teaching, "The Wisdom of Olive Oil" on the reverse side.
Download and learn: Study Sheet and Discussion Guide on Energy and Its Uses (PDF)
Order energy saving eco-reminders (stickers, magnets and keychains) for you and your community! FREE for individuals and at reduced cost for communities! Click here to view and order
Take Actions to Save Energy – great ideas and links to additional resources.
Learn about the consequences of our energy use: read the new Statement on Climate Change from our Science & Technology Advisory Board
Program Ideas
For Children and Teens
Songs and Crafts for Children 3-6
Activities and Games for Children 6-10
Activity and Service Projects for Teens
For Adults and Communities
Text Study and Discussion
Organize a Toy Exchange for Chanukah
Buy Alternative Gifts for Chanukah
Instead of buying more stuff, give an alternative gift to honor an eco-committed loved one.
You can honor them by inspiring local food purchases, catalyzing energy conservation across a community, or supporting Torah learning on the environment. Multiple gifts starting from $18!
Click here to browse and buy your alternative gift.
Canfei Nesharim expresses SO MUCH gratitude to those who made this project possible, working often late at night, as volunteers or well below market value: Judy Adler Sheer for the terrific program resources for children and adults; Shelly Streilein, our graphic designer; John Schlackman, our webmaster; Orah Rein-Moshe, who prepared the terrific "save energy" side of our fact sheet; Ora Sheinson for her Torah wisdom, Toby Dachman for Alternative Gift ideas; and our extraordinary team of community lay leaders: Vivian Deutsch, Rena Dubensky, Jessica Haller, David Kahn, David Marks, Evonne Marzouk, and Candace Nachman. Thank you!!
Canfei Nesharim expresses its sincere gratitude to Bikkurim, a joint project of JESNA, UJC, and the Kaminer Family, for taking us into their incubator for new Jewish ideas from 2004-2009.
This content originated at Canfei