Our Jewish Sources on energy and its uses
Instructions for Discussion Group Leader
Intended audience: Children 3-6
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Lesson Format:
Song is sung to the tune of “The wheels on the bus go round and round”
NOTE: the words “ON” and “OFF” can be accompanied with:
– hand motions – opening and closing the palm of the hand
– a flashlight being turned on and off
– a table lamp being turned on and off
– holding up a picture or drawing of a light bulb that is on, alternated with a bulb that is off.
Other words/phrases in the song can also be mimed, such as “sleep”, “read a book”, “leave room”, etc. If there are older children in the group, they can be “helpers”, turning off the overhead light, turning on the flashlight, holding up the pictures, etc.
The lights in the house go ON and OFF, ON and OFF, ON and OFF,
The lights in the house go ON and OFF, We save the lights that way.
When it’s dark outside, the lights go ON, the lights go ON, the lights go ON,
When it’s dark outside, the lights go ON, We save the lights that way.
When we go to sleep, the lights go OFF, the lights OFF, the lights go OFF,
When we go to sleep, the lights go OFF, We save the lights that way.
When we read a book, the lights go ON, the lights go ON, the lights go ON,
When we leave a room, the lights go OFF, the lights go OFF, the lights go OFF,
When it’s dark in the room, the lights go ON, the lights go ON, the lights go ON,
<You can add your own ideas or have the kids suggest their own.>
Final verse:
The lights in the house go ON and OFF, ON and OFF, ON and OFF,
The lights in the house go ON and OFF, We save the lights that way.
The goal of this project is to have the children create a poster board sign with a decorated border/frame, to put on the refrigerator or to hang on the wall near light switches. While one could achieve this with simple stickers or decals, the benefit of having children make the sign is that they will learn from the process and take ownership of the light switches. Also, parents are more likely to use and obey signs their children make.
Materials needed:
- drop-cloths or newspapers to work on the table or floor
- small, safe, scissors
- poster board
- glue suitable for paper and glitter
- washable crayons and/or markers, including black (for bulbs that are “off”)
- colored pencils, including black
- glitter – gold (and black?)
- small magnets and/or small binder clips
- white,” Full Sheet Size Labels”, Avery 8165, if possible, to preclude the need for using glue for the graphics)
- (Optional) Catalogues and magazines with electrical appliances in them
From Canfei Nesharim:
- Canfei Nesharim stickers and/or magnets on saving energy (for order – discounted prices!)
- Graphic Printouts (Click or scroll down to the Resources section for full-sheet references about energy efficient electrical plugs, incandescent and CFL light bulbs, and small electrical appliances)
Variation #1
- Paste a Canfei Nesharim magnet, or place a Canfei Nesharim sticker, in the middle of a poster board cut to desired size.
- Cut and paste (or cut and stick, if on label sheets) the other images in any pattern around the edges to create a “frame”
- Color with crayons, pencils or markers; Sprinkle glue with glitter for lit bulbs, if desired.
- Use the magnet or another small magnet to place the sign of the refrigerator, or attach a small binder clip on top and hang from a nail.
Variation #2
Write one of the suggested slogans (see below) from the attached graphics sheets, and surround with desired images; color as desired. Sprinkle glue with glitter for lit bulbs, if desired. Use magnets or binder clips to hang.
Make sure not to waste materials! Recycle what you can.
Lesson Resources:
These printable resource sheets can be printed on label paper to make them easy to stick, or can be printed on regular paper and glued onto posterboard by the children.
- Printable Version of this Activity
- Unplug me: smiling plugs, to remind you to unplug electronics when not in use.
- Turn it off: incandescent light-bulbs with rays, reminding you to turn them off.
- Make the change: CFL light-bulbs.
- Make the change 2: incandescent and CFL light-bulbs side by side.
Much thanks to Judy Adler Sheer for preparing these resources.
This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org.