630 results for browsing: Unknown

Pe’ah and Leket: Caring for People Through the Land

This four-page lesson plan outlines a 75-minute class on biblical-agricultural laws. If you print the lesson plan, please print it double-sided. The lesson plan includes an optional one-page text-study handout; alternatively, you can use bibles.

Machane Yehuda Special: Fresh from California?

This two-page handout discusses food miles, organic agriculture and local agriculture in relation to Israel. This handout should be printed double-sided.

Learning about the Environment in Israel: Israeli Environmental Academic Institutions

This one-page handout discusses several universities and institutions in Israel where students can learn about the environment for study abroad and bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.

Israeli Food-Justice Organizations

This one-page handout discusses eight of Israel’s food-justice organizations, from farmers’ markets to soup kitchens to organic farmers.

Israel’s Environmental Successes

This one-page handout discusses seven of Israel’s environmental successes.

Living the Green Life: Israeli Environmental Communities

This one-page handout discusses several environmental communities in Israel, such as Kibbutz Ketura and Hava & Adam Farm.

Israel’s Environmental Challenges

This two-page handout discusses seven of Israel’s primary environmental challenges. This handout should be printed double-sided.

Climate-Change Impacts on Israel and the Middle East

This two-page handout discusses the potential effects of climate change on Israel and the Middle East using projections for the year 2100. This handout should be printed double-sided.

American-based Jewish Environmental Organizations

This two-page handout includes descriptions of several American-based Jewish environmental organizations. (We apologize in advance for any omissions — for a full list, click here.) This handout should be printed double-sided.

Anton Goodman

Anton Goodman speaks at the Silver Spring Sustainability Circle (opening paragraphs of his talk).

Butterfly Meadow

When you drive into Gesher, the driveway takes a sharp left turn just before the parking lot. On the inside of that curve is our meadow. A meadow is a unique habitat that is home to certain specialized animals, such as meadowlarks, bobwhite, box turtles, butterflies, dragonflies, mice, and toads. It is also an endangered habitat, as are many of the animals that depend on it. A meadow is not an orderly garden. Indeed, some see it as a weed patch! But it is really a very special place composed of sun-loving native grasses and wildflowers. We currently have many natives, including goldenrod, dogbane, purple-topped grass, and asters. These attract ...

All Green products

All Green Products in one place: All-natural Cleaning products, Re-usable bags / bottles, Biodegradable cutlery, Recycled paper products, Organic clothing, Energy-saving devices, etc.... Philadelphians can shop at an actual store, and see the actual products. 2005 Chestnut st. Philadelphia Everyone else can buy online at: www.savesomegreen.org

Growing the Green Menorah: Report on Shalom Center meeting of June 18, 2007

Growing the Green Menorah: Report on Shalom Center meeting of June 18, 2007 To read this article, please visit The Shalom Center's website at http://www.theshalomcenter.org/node/1282.

Oil, War  & the Military

Oil, War & the Military To read this article, please visit the The Shalom Center's website at http://www.theshalomcenter.org/node/1401.

American Energy Policy, Asleep at the Spigot

American Energy Policy, Asleep at the Spigot To read this article, please visit The Shalom Center's website at http://www.theshalomcenter.org/node/1417.

Toward a World-wide Jewish Climate Change Campaign

Toward a World-wide Jewish Climate Change Campaign To read this article, visit the Shalom Center's website at http://www.theshalomcenter.org/node/1635.

Sex, Lies and Oil Spills

Sex, Lies and Oil Spills To read this article, visit The Shalom Center's website at http://www.theshalomcenter.org/node/1714.

Outreach to Students in Local Jewish Schools

The idea is to take a laptop connected to a projector, and go around to local schools and introduce students directly to environmental issues and in particular to jewcology.org Students today are inundated with information from TV, radio, the Internet, text messaging, schools and family. In my experience, the only way to break through the overload is to literally chase down students and learn with them. I have a projector; I can probably borrow a laptop. I need other people to join in me in contacting the schools, and making the presentations. Even if all you can do is help plan the presentation, that would be helpful. -joe

Arava Institute For Environmental Studies

The Arava Institute is the premier environmental teaching and research program in the Middle East, preparing future Arab and Jewish leaders to cooperatively solve the region's environmental challenges. Come study on the undergraduate or graduate levels with students from the Middle East and around the world. For more information go to: www.arava.org

Tu Bishvat Contest 2011 – Eco Campus

Find the hidden message in the Eco Campus Tu Bishvat movie and win an exclusive Eco Campus Hoodie! Send entries to the email in the movie by January 21, 2011 to enter the raffle. Visit the Eco Campus at http://ecocamp.us