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More Resources for Saving Energy

Find more resources for saving energy on Canfei Nesharim.org.

Eco-Conscious House Hunting

There are enough factors to consider when looking for a new home that it might seem overwhelming to add environmental impact to your checklist. However, from an environmental perspective, the type of home you live in is one of the most important decisions you can make as a consumer. Making an environmentally conscious housing decision will not only help reduce our consumption of energy and natural resources, but will also lower your maintenance and energy bills. In addition, some mortgage lenders and financial service companies such as Fannie Mae have recognized the importance of a home's environmental impact and offer mortgage benefits to ...

Is a Hybrid Car Really Worth It?

Is a Hybrid Car Really Worth it? INQUIRIES FOR THE EAGLE I am looking for a new car and, thinking about those gas prices, I'm tempted to buy a more fuel-efficient vehicle. Is a hybrid car really worth it? Answer: Today's gas prices make everyone think about energy efficiency, and there are some real benefits - from an economic, environmental, and security perspective - to buying a more efficient vehicle. If everyone in the United States purchased one of the four most efficient models in each vehicle class (sedans, sub-compacts, SUVs, light trucks), Americans could save 13.1 billion gallons of gasoline annually.[1] ...

Car-Sharing in Your Community

Cars are an extremely convenient and necessary commodity in today's world. However, they are also a major cause of air pollution and global warming, releasing toxins which are detrimental to the environment and human health. So, it makes sense to limit your driving by walking, riding a bike, or using public transportation. But we all know that in today's world, there are times when only a car will do. One option for those times is car sharing. Car sharing is a service that is usually run by universities, businesses, or local communities, allowing members over 21 years of age to rent cars, by half-hour to one-hour increments, instead of ...

Save Energy with Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

You know the little bit of oil that lasted 8 days? Here is your chance to re-enact extraordinary energy savings in celebration of the holiday. Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) use 75% less energy than incandescent light bulbs. This means less production of greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and toxic waste. If every U.S. household replaced one bulb with a CFL, it would have the same impact as removing one million cars from the road. To maximize your energy savings, we recommend replacing your 4 most frequently used bulbs with CFLs. If you are pondering where to put the CFL bulbs, you’ll be glad to know that they fit in ...

Tips to “Winterize” Your Home

As winter approaches (in some parts of the world), here are some ideas for "winterizing" homes to stay warm and save energy. Insulating the walls and attics will save about 25% on your home heating bills (ensure that your insulation does not have formaldehyde and uses recycled materials). Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket--only if it is more than 5 years old and has no internal insulation of its own. Clean or replace the air filters in your furnace. This can save 5% or more in energy costs. Caulk and weather strip around doors and windows to plug air leaks. If you are replacing ...

Reduce Your Carbon Emissions this Fall

Here some additional changes you can make to reduce your personal CO2 emissions. Fall is the perfect time to save energy. Leave the windows open and take longer walks, now that the heat from summer is fading. You'll save energy, save money, and reduce your impact on the environment. WALK. By reducing the amount of time spent in your car by using your feet, bike, or mass transit you reduce CO2 emissions, as well as ozone-producing nitrous oxides and cancer-causing polyaromatic hydrocarbons. How many of us have seen members of our community drive two blocks to get to the Sunday morning minyan? If you can walk on Shabbat, you can walk on ...

Environmental Costs and Benefits of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Find information about the environmental costs and benefits of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs at Energy Star. For more tips and ideas about how to save energy, please visit Canfei Nesharim.org.

The Energy Revolution

The industrial revolution of the 19th century marked humanities transition from an organic energy based society- based on human, animal, and inanimate (wind, water, solar) power sources- to an advanced industrial society based primarily on fossil fuels. With great exertion, humans themselves are only capable of producing about 60 watts of energy and animals up to 700, while an automobile powered on petroleum effortlessly generates an average of 15,000 watts while driving on the freeway.[1] Our greatly increased capacity for harnessing energy has no doubt produced wonderful benefits for all mankind. Unfortunately, there are many negative effects of ...

Study Sheet and Discussion Guide on Energy and Its Uses

A discussion guide on Energy and its Uses, including the original source of energy/light, rituals using light, and the prohibition against wasting resources (Bal Tashchit). This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org.

The Miracle of the Vessels – Teaching and Source Sheet

by Yonatan Neril View printable version l View source sheet l View Energy study and discussion guide The miracle of the Chanuka lights is well-known. After the Hasmonian Jews defeated the Syrian Greeks, they sought to rededicate the Temple in Jerusalem and light the Menorah. However, only one small vessel of oil was found, with enough oil to burn for a single day. Yet the Menorah miraculously burned for eight days. What is less well-known is how the miracle came to be. This drash will explore one teaching on the miracle of the oil, and a lesson it can offer to us in our modern times. Rabbi David Hertzberg z''l writes: ...

The Wisdom of Olive Oil (Print-friendly version side 2)

Save Energy, Save Money, Protect the Environment! Fact Sheet Canfei Nesharim is proud to present our fact sheet on energy for Chanukah. The "Save Energy" side of the fact sheet explores ideas for saving energy, and explain some of the challenges of our current energy situation. The other side features a Torah teaching on "The Wisdom of Olive Oil." We offer two versions of the fact sheet: a beautiful color version which can be posted in your synagogue's website or shared via email, and a simpler print-friendly version which can be printed and distributed in your community. Download these and share with your ...

Save Energy, Save Money, Protect the Environment! Fact Sheet (Print – friendly version side 1)

Canfei Nesharim is proud to present our fact sheet on energy for Chanukah. The "Save Energy" side of the fact sheet explores ideas for saving energy, and explain some of the challenges of our current energy situation. The other side features a Torah teaching on "The Wisdom of Olive Oil." We offer two versions of the fact sheet: a beautiful color version which can be posted in your synagogue's website or shared via email, and a simpler print-friendly version which can be printed and distributed in your community. Download these and share with your community to encourage them to save energy this Chanukah! This ...

The Wisdom of Olive Oil (Full color side 2)

Save Energy, Save Money, Protect the Environment! Fact Sheet Canfei Nesharim is proud to present our fact sheet on energy for Chanukah. The "Save Energy" side of the fact sheet explores ideas for saving energy, and explain some of the challenges of our current energy situation. The other side features a Torah teaching on "The Wisdom of Olive Oil." We offer two versions of the fact sheet: a beautiful color version which can be posted in your synagogue's website or shared via email, and a simpler print-friendly version which can be printed and distributed in your community. Download these and share with your ...

Save Energy, Save Money, Protect the Environment! Fact Sheet (Full color side 1)

Save Energy, Save Money, Protect the Environment! Fact Sheet Canfei Nesharim is proud to present our fact sheet on energy for Chanukah. The "Save Energy" side of the fact sheet explores ideas for saving energy, and explain some of the challenges of our current energy situation. The other side features a Torah teaching on "The Wisdom of Olive Oil." We offer two versions of the fact sheet: a beautiful color version which can be posted in your synagogue's website or shared via email, and a simpler print-friendly version which can be printed and distributed in your community. Download these and share with your ...

Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah: A Connection

By Devorah Serkin The whirlwind of holidays is upon us again. Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, Shemini Atzeres, and Simchas Torah falling one right after the other is extremely hectic, and sometimes the meaning of all the yom tovim gets a little lost between all the cooking, cleaning, eating, building, decorating, buying new clothes, shaking the lulav, dancing with the Torah. With all the festivity, we can lose our focus as to why we are coming together. Sukkos is when the Jews who lived in the times of the Beit Hamekdash would travel to Yerushalayim to sacrifice the fruits of their harvest to Hashem. Immediately following ...

Make Your Own Water Conservation Signs!

Intended audience: Children 12 and under (young children) What to Provide: • Old magazines and newspapers • Crayons and/or markers • Glue • Scissors • Tape • Construction paper or reused (scrap) cardboard • Hole punch • String or yarn • Any other ‘crafts’ materials such as glitter, tissue paper, etc. • Optional: o Sponges o Bowls with water o Water sign templates (included), photocopied. o Laminator Introduce the activity as follows: Every single day, every single one of us uses more water than we absolutely need to. Ask ...

Text Study on Netilas Yadayim

What to Provide: Copies of text study materials from the Compendium of Sources in Halacha and the Environment (available for purchase on Canfei Nesharim's website), articles on pages 45-53 and Hebrew texts on 74-75. Try to copy the text study materials on recycled paper. The two articles express a makloches between two different positions about use of water for netilas yadayim. The first article suggests that we reduce our use to the minimum amount of water required (a rivies). The second article encourages washing with abundance but encourages reduction of water use through other actions. Form community members into chavrusa ...

Water Tasting

Set up: Buy a Brita Filter, a Pur Filter, and a 3 gallon jug of commonly-used bottled water. You will also want to use tap water from your synagogue sink, unless there is a health-related problem with that water. Set large pitchers with water from each of the four sources on a table. Each pitcher should have a notecard with a letter (A, B, C, D) written on one side and the source of the water written on the other side. Tape the cards to the table, in front of the pitchers, with the letter side up. Have different members of the community taste each of the waters, and rank the taste of the water from 4 (best) to 1 (worst) on the ...

Sukkah Decorations

Visit Canfei Nesharim.org for some great ideas for Sukkah decorations!