Pesach/Passover Resource and Program Bank

Pesach, the holiday of our liberation. Too often, our efforts to clean and prepare for Pesach cause unnecessary environmental damage, and there is much that can be done to prevent the waste. This year, Canfei Nesharim offers some suggestions for a cleaner, healthier, kosher Pesach.

Elevating the Holy Sparks in Wealth: The Exodus, Pesach, and Our Lives

Many everyday cleaners contain harsh chemicals that are destructive to the environment, and toxic to us. Some chemicals cause only temporary irritation, while others have long lasting affects on the nervous system, and are especially dangerous for young children.

Recipes for Green Cleaners (Yes, you can make your own!)

Order Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products from Canfei Nesharim's Store

Make Your Own Green Cleaners: A Lesson/Program for 6-10 year olds

Clean Sweep Community Activity: A Community Collection of hazardous or recycleable items like CFLs, cell phones, ink cartridges (which may be found while cleaning)

Each Passover, many reams of aluminum foil are wasted attempting to cover counters, shelves. While aluminum may be necessary in very limited areas such as sinks and range tops that cannot be kashered, easier and more environmentally friendly alternatives are available for the remaining areas.

Personal Stress Reduction:
We would like to echo the statement of many, many Rabbanim and state that Passover cleaning is much less intensive than spring cleaning. For spring cleaning, one might clean the top of a six foot bookshelf and wipe around light fixtures, but even the most stringent guidelines do not require this level of cleanliness for Passover.

Read more:
Tips for a Green and Healthy Pesach

What Other Communities are Doing:
"Kesher Green Kleaning" for Pesach (Englewood, NJ)
"Clean Sweep for Pesach" (Silver Spring, MD)

This content originated at Canfei

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