Shalom Letter Resources for Parashat Noach from the Shalom Center

For a discussion and midrash on the Flood and the Rainbow from my book Godwrestling — Round 2 (Jewish Lights, 1996), please click to . In it I report work The Shalom Center did in the early 1980s to persuade synagogues to set aside the 27th of Iyyar – in biblical tradition the day when the Rainbow came – as a day to address the danger of global disaster and the ways for us to deal with it.

For a video on how to draw on the wisdom of the Flood/ Rainbow story to address the climate crisis of today, please click to

For materials by Rabbi David Seidenberg and others for use on the Shabbat of Noah or on the anniversary of the Rainbow, please click

For an extraordinary commentary on the danger that the human race, with ultimate power in its hands, might transgress in such a way as to destroy Humankind itself, though not all life, see Bernard Malamud’s amazing novel, God’s Grace. In it the sign of Desolation is the appearance of a broken Rainbow.

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