Speakers Notes for Each of the Four Worlds in the Tu b’Shevat Seder

This resource features Speakers Notes with Environmental Facts and Torah Sources for each of the Four Worlds in the Tu b'Shevat Seder.

These speaking notes were created and piloted for Canfei Nesharim by the Young Israel Shomrei Emunah and

the Kemp Mill Synagogue in Silver Spring, MD. They are intended as a guide for community leaders

conducting Canfei Nesharim’s “Appreciating Nature’s Blessings” Tu b’Shevat Seder, and as a resource for

community leaders conducting other Torah and environment programs.

“Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our partners list.”

This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org.