Stop the Senate from Choking EPA & Earth to Death

Stop the Senate from Choking EPA & Earth to Death

Action Description:

RIGHT NOW, WRITE YOUR SENATORS to stop the most destructive single action the US Senate could take toward the people of the United States: forbidding the Environmental Protection Agency from regulatingCO2 emissions.

Background Information:

Some Senators, to protect Big Oil and Big Coal from regulation that will save our children’s lives, are planning to choke the life out of EPA and thereby also choke our country and our planet in scorching heat. Senators led by Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who never saw an oil well she didn’t worship, are trying to do just that.

You can help prevent this travesty by writing your own Senators. We have provided a model text, which we hope you will modify with your own words.

See our Green Menorah websection for detailed information on climate/ energy policy and on how to shape the celebration of festivals and life-cycle markers like Tu B’Shvat, Hanukkah, bar/bat mitzvah, etc to healing the earth and preventing climate catastrophe.

Action Link(s):

To write your Senators, please click here