Warning Signs: The Environment and the Three Weeks

Warning Signs: The Environment and the Three Weeks

The "Three Weeks" leading up to and including Tisha B'Av commemorate the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. It is a time for mourning and contemplation, and for examining the spiritual roots of destruction and redemption. These lessons have profound relevance for our relationship with our planet and the natural resources Hashem provides us. We hope you will take this special opportunity to learn and grow with us. May all our efforts lead to the sustainable use of Hashem's resources, and the rebuilding of the Temple, speedily, in our days.

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Torah Thoughts

Diminishing Returns: by Rabbi Yehoshua Kahan

The Oil Spill and the Loss of Childhood Joy (Op-Ed) by Evonne Marzouk (published by the Washington Post website, On Faith)

Great Community Learning Resource:
Source Sheet and Discussion Guide for Three Weeks Learning (printable PDF)

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