Water and Peaceful Collaboration in the Middle East – A Yarkon River Roundtable Activty


To understand the interconnectedness of Israel and Palestinian Stakeholders in environmental solutions building in the middle east

To understand the casues and effects of water pollution in the middle east and explore collaborate solutions to the regions water problems.


1) Introduce the concepts of water scarcity and pollution in Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

2) Divide the participants into 5 groups and assign each group a stakeholder (from below)

3) Distribute basic stakeholder information & a map to every group as well as the specific stakeholder sheet appropriate to their group.

4) Direct groups to read throught the information, reffering the map to answer the questions on their worksheet.

a) List 4 things your community can do to help protect and/or restore the Yarkon River?
b) List 1 – 2 things each of the other stakeholders can do to help protect and/or restore the Yarkon River?
c) In the current geo-political climate which of the suggestions above do you believe are possible to accomplish? Why or why not?

5) Once the groups have completed their worksheets, direct them to send representative to other groups to try to come up with a compromise agreement on water and water pollution in the area. Allow dialgogue and discussion between groups to last 8 – 15 mintues depending on group.

6) If one or more compromise is reached, have groups present their agreement (s) and take a vote to see if we can find consensus. If no compromise is reached, have each group report on their proposal and why it has not had support.

Materials developed by Noam Dolgin, www.noamdolgin.com.

All content is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. (Ie. Tell other where you got it from and don't sell it)