Weekly Torah Teachings on the Environment
Canfei Nesharim is proud to present Eitz Chayim Hee: A Torah Commentary for Environmental Learning and Action. This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org.
Bereishis:The Stewardship Paradigm in the Torah Portion of Bereishis
Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks
Noach: A Paradigm for Environmental Consciousness
Shimshon Stüart Siegel
Lech Lecha: Joining Together for Justice in the Land
Tuvia Aronson
Vayera: The Sin of Sodom and its Impact on Creation
Rabbi Yuval Cherlow
Chayei Sarah: Praying in the Fields
Drew Kaplan
Toldot: Digging the Wells: The Importance of Protecting Our Natural Resources
Rabbi Yuval Cherlow
Vayeitze: Ya'akov and Going Out
Avi Neuman
Jonathan Neril
Vayeishev: Shepherd-Consciousness and the Post-Industrial Jew
Fivel Yedidya Glasser, with Rabbi Chanan Morrison
Mikeitz: The Song of the Land – A Torah Teaching for the Western Environmentalist
Rabbi Shaul David Judelman
Vayigash: Lessons from Yosef's foresight and restraint
Dr David Goldblatt
Vayechi: Eating Holy food in a Holy way
Rabbi Julian Sinclair
Udi Hammerman
Va'era: The Earth is the Lord's
Dr David Goldblatt
Rabbi Shaul David Judelman
Beshalach: When the Wood Meets The Water
Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz
Yitro: Love of G-d and Material Desire
Jonathan Neril
Mishpatim: Humans as Co-creators, Co-owners as well
Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
Terumah: Is G-d present in our Consumption?
Ariel Shalem
Tetzaveh : All That's Gold Doesn't Glitter
Shimshon Stüart Siegel
Ki Tisa: The Coin of Fire- Rectification of Material Wealth
Shimshon Stüart Siegel
Vayakhel: An Ecological Message in Shabbat
Jonathan Neril
Pekudey: G-d is in the Details
Rabbi Eliezer Shore, Ph.D
Vayikra: The Pending Guilt-offering and the Global Climate
Rabbi Shlomo Levin and Jonathan Neril
Tzav: When Eating Meat was a Sacrifice
Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D
Candace Nachman
Tazria: Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Planet
Rabbi Natan Greenberg
Ramona Rubin
Acherei Mot: Raising Up The Physical
Baruch Herschkopff
Rabbi Carmi Wisemon
Emor: Our Relationship to Other Creatures
Ora Sheinson
Noam Yehuda Sendor
Bechukotai: The Blessing of Rain
Jonathan Neril
Bamidbar: Spiritual Lesson of the Desert
Rabbi Jack Bieler
Naso: Learning from our Mistakes
Evonne Marzouk
Beha'aloscha: Balancing Natural Forces
Dr Jon Greenberg
John and Miriam Schlackman
Rabbi Yehudah Levi
Jonathan Neril
Balak: The Nature of Bilaam's Prophecy
Ilana Stein
Pinchas: Sustenance from the Source
Michael Rosen
Jonathan Neril
Masei: Lessons for Region Planning
Dr Jon Greenberg
Devarim: Belonging to the Land
Matthew Mausner
Vaetchanan: Guard Yourselves Very Well
Akiva Gersh
Eikev: The Seven Fruits of Israel
Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
Rabbi Akiva Wolff
Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
Ki Tietze: The Compassion to Bring Mashiach
Rabbi Dovid Sears
Leiba Chaya David
Nitzavim: Sulfur and Fire out of Heaven
Shai Spetgang
Vayeilech: A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey
Rabbi Akiva Wolff
Ha'azinu: The Heavens and the Earth Bear Witness
Rabbi Yuval Cherlow
V'zot HaBracha: Perfecting the World
Baruch Rock
Canfei Nesharim is grateful to Targum Shlishi for a generous grant to support for this Torah Commentary.
We’re grateful to Hazon (www.hazon.org) and the riders and sponsors of the New York Jewish Environmental Bike Ride for providing a grant to support the Eitz Chayim Hee Torah Commentary.
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