So what’s going on here, anyways?

The Teva Learning Center is North America's foremost Jewish Environmental Education Institute. Working with Jewish Day Schools, Congregational Schools, Synagogues, camps, and youth groups, Teva's programs touch the lives of over 6,000 participants of all denominations annually. The Teva Learning Center is a program of Surprise Lake Camp.

The Teva Bus Tour takes the Teva Learning Center on the road, bringing communities together in action, advocacy and education. Starting this Wednesday, the bus is heading south! On tour we'll be stretching minds while celebrating Purim, dreaming big to welcome in Pesach, connecting to ancient Jewish ecological wisdom, and discovering creative ways to re-think energy and conservations issues, from recycled-veggie-oil fuel systems and worm composting to solar ovens and a human-powered bicycle generator.

As with any young program, there is a lot of excitement about the opportunities that the future holds for us, and a lot of help and support that is needed in order for us to take on those opportunities. What we'd love is to make all of you a part of this tour, and to give YOU the opportunity to give US the opportunity to spread important values of Jewish and environmental responsibility.

Therefore, we're making an appeal for small donations. Think of it as Tzedakah, as a Channukah present, or even as an indirect means to offset your Carbon footprint. If you are interested in making a donation, please go to <>. There are only a few hours left to donate through that website, so check it out soon!

If you don't make the deadline, you can also donate through the Teva Center website

Make sure to earmark the donation for the Bus Tour.

If you have other questions, suggestions, or would otherwise like to be involved, please email BOTH:


or call


Thank you for your time and support of all forms!

-The Teva Topsy-Turvy-Bus-Tour Team