Earth Etude for Elul 18 – Elements

by Judith Felsen, Ph.D.


When You gave us wind

we hid from it

when You offered us  rain

we wasted it

when You made us earth

we contaminated it

when You gave us air

we polluted it

when You showed us fire

we abused it.

Our response to You

has been destruction.

Your response to us

is Your correction.

Maybe we have one more chance

for our connection.


Judith Felsen, Ph.D.  Copyright 2015

Judith Felsen holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, certificates in hypnotherapy, NLP, Eriksonian Hypnosis, and Sacred Plant Medicine. She is a dancer of sacred circle dance, an AMC kitchen crew, trail information volunteer, trail adopter, and daily student of Torah and Judaism. She is enrolled in Rabbinical Seminary International. She has studied Buddhism, A Course in Miracles, and other mystical traditions. She is a hiker, walker, runner, and lives in the White Mountains with her husband and two large dogs. Her life centers around her Jewish studies and daily application.