Aytzim (https://aytzim.org) is a Jewish-environmental nonprofit active in the United States and Israel.

Aytzim has five projects:
•Green Zionist Alliance: The Grassroots Campaign for a Sustainable Israel~The Green Zionist Alliance works on issues related to the environment of Israel and the Middle East.
•Jewcology: Home of the Jewish Environmental Movement~Jewcology.org is an online resource for information on Jewish environmentalism. https://jewcology.org/
•Shomrei Breishit: Rabbis and Cantors for the Earth~An environmental-advocacy group that Aytzim runs in partnership with GreenFaith.
•EcoJews of the Bay~EcoJews holds Jewish-environmental events in the San Francisco Bay Area.
•Jews of the Earth~Jews of the Earth organizes Jews locally and nationally for environmental action.
Tax-deductible donations may be made via PayPal at: