1988 results for tag: Uncategorized

Come pray for Rain! ????? ????? ??? ??? ?????

Come Join (and bring) children from all religions to join in a prayer for rain at Ein Chiniya spring. Monday, December 6th, there will be a musical gathering at Ein Chiniya (just past the checkpoint by Ein Yael, southwest Jerusalem) with musicians Ehud Banai, Shlomo Bar and Khalil al-Mustafi. All are invited, perhaps Hashem will have compassion in the merit of the voices and prayers of our littlest humans, perhaps in the merit of the children Avraham being together, The gathering will start at 11:00am, ,11:15 will be drums and prayers, and at 11:30 will begin this special concert! Don't let the forecast hold you ...

Todo mi Ser es Bitul Tora/HaShem. Renunciante/Postrado a HaShem.

BS"D "Shalom es toda la Creación conmigo y yo con toda mi Creación. Esto es Ahavat HaShem." Shabua tov Lekulam!: I'm Breatharian Kabbalah Kadosh/Torá Gan Eden/Truth/Kedushá/Santidad/Shalom/Ahavat HaShem. My food and drink is Dvar Torá/Word/Holy Love of the Creator/100% Physics: Ruaj/Air/"Prana"/Shemesh/Sun/Energy and more...and finally the solid food=Raw Food: Matzá Kadosh and Water. I'm Bereshit/Genesis 1:29, I'm Etz Jaim/Arbol de Vida Leolam Vaed/ForEver. I'm flame of Eternal Fire, Emet 100%, BH! :-)) MENSAJE DE JAIM VESHALOM...

Pray for rain!!! We need a miracle!!!

We could all notice that the weather is going crazy. I’m lighting Hanukkah candles in Israel and feel the same weather that I should feel lighting candles in Chile. Besides our hands being drier than ever, in Israel we are suffering a serious issue: the lack of rain. In the last weeks, rabbis have decreed two fasting days and a day of collective prayer at the Kotel, in order to ask Hashem for rain. Jewish people have a special relationship with the rain. Unlike other countries where G-d created vast rivers and freshwater lakes, in Israel we depend on rain water. The blessing of our production depends on rainfall, which fills the streams ...

Chanukah: The Holiday of Energy Conservation

NEW YORK (Dec. 2, 2010) — Chanukah isn’t just our Festival of Lights — it’s our Holiday of Energy Conservation. And the Maccabees are the answer to climate change. Think about it: They made one day’s worth of oil last for eight days! If we conserved energy like the Maccabees did, we could put OPEC out of business. The Maccabees did it with a miracle; we can do it through small changes. The Green Zionist Alliance is working to conserve Israel’s energy through transitioning buildings to energy-efficient lighting and agency fleets to fuel-efficient vehicles while installing energy-generating solar panels ...

Hanukah 2010, A Re-Dedication to Social and Environmental Change

Hag Urim Sameach! Happy Holiday of Lights! Hanukah is upon us once again, this wacky annual celebration that we don't exactly know how to celebrate. It's not biblical, so we don't have the traditional holiday structure, and it's up against Xmas, so there is lots of pressure to give gifts. So how can we make this Rabbinic holiday relevant to the world of today? Easy! Go back to the core of this holiday, make this Hanukah a celebration and a reflection on our relationship to light and energy, and a re-dedication to fighting for social and environmental change. A Holiday of Lights in the Darkest Time of Year Imagine your ...

Jewish Urban Farming Fellowship Now Live in Berkeley, CA

Urban Adamah: The Jewish Sustainability Corps, is a three-month intensive residential leadership training program for young adults ages 20-29, that integrates urban organic farming, social justice work and progressive Jewish living and learning. Twelve Urban Adamah Fellows are selected each season to operate an organic farm and educational center, intern with community organizations addressing issues at the intersection of poverty, food security and environmental stewardship, and learn an approach to Jewish tradition that opens the heart and builds joyful community. Applicants do not need any farming for Jewish knowledge to participate. Fellows ...

Why Genetically Modified Foods Should Not Be Considered Kosher.

New technological innovations have always created a need for the Jewish community to respond from a religious, ethical and cultural perspective. For instance, the discovery of electricity forced Jewish authorities (rabbis) of the past to assess its use on Shabbat. Hence, we have hot plates and crock pots running but no switches flicking. The time has come for Jews and Judaism to take a serious look at perhaps the most fundamental innovation of our time, the genetic manipulation of life. Genetic Engineering (GE), and the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) it has been used to create, are incompatible with some of the most basic ...

Ten Tips for Using Jewcology

How can you make the best use of Jewcology? There are many ways to participate. First, make sure you have signed up (it's free!) and edited your profile to show your website, favorite causes, twitter name, the state where you live, and your picture. This will enable you to participate fully in the Jewcology community. Then, the following possibilities are available to you: 1) Comment on a recent blog posting. Featured blog posts are displayed on the main dashboard, which can be viewed at www.jewcology.org when you are logged in. 2) Every Tuesday, we will post a new "question of the week" video delivered by a Jewish ...

Recent Press about Jewcology!

We are featured in the New York Jewish Week and Ynetnews today! http://www.thejewishweek.com/news/short_takes/green_jewish_portal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3991503,00.html And don't miss our feature on the ROI Community website: http://www.roicommunity.org/Blog/Jewcology.com-Launched.html

New Jewish Urban Farming Fellowship In Berkeley, CA

Urban Adamah, based in Berkeley, CA, is a three-month intensive residential leadership training program for young adults ages 20-29, that integrates urban organic farming, social justice work and progressive Jewish living and learning. Twelve Urban Adamah Fellows are selected each season to operate an organic farm and educational center, intern with community organizations addressing issues at the intersection of poverty, food security and environmental stewardship, and learn an approach to Jewish tradition that opens the heart and builds joyful community. Applicants do not need any farming for Jewish knowledge to participate. Fellows come from a ...

Jewcology Launch Today!

Welcome to Jewcology! We know many people are joining the site today, and we are so excited to have you with us! Please browse around the site, post micro-blog postings and join communities, and let us know of any bumps you encounter along the way. You can see Jewcology featured today on Arutz7: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/140895 and at EJewishPhilanthropy.com: http://ejewishphilanthropy.com/launching-jewcology.org/ Please retweet these postings and share them on facebook so that everyone can hear the exciting news that Jewcology is LIVE!!

Garden Goodness in Los Angeles

Gardens are popping up across the U.S., and terms such as trowel, compost, mulch, organic, and community-supported agriculture are becoming part of our daily vocabulary. And increasingly, Jewish institutions are beginning to see another potential of community gardens: using them as a shamash or a light unto the world; a beam for the future. In this technological age of wonder, the ancient agricultural practices of our people are have never been more relevant. Having a garden is a wonderful thing in and of itself: gardens are beautiful, provide additional space for reflection and spirituality, and smell and taste great. But once ...

New terms of use

Jewcology's new terms of use are now posted at http://www.jewcology.org/content/view/Terms-and-Conditions These terms of use incorporate a Creative Commons license. Learn more at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

Jewcology Question of the Week #1

Noam Dolgin asks the first Jewcology "Question of the Week." Please post your answers in the comment box.

Be a Part of the Jewcology Collaborative Video!

Jewcology is pleased to invite our members to participate in a collaborative video effort, which will display the rich and diverse worldwide community of Jewish environmentalists. We welcome your submissions to the collaborative video, which will be posted and promoted widely around Tu b’Shevat. How to Create Your Video Each person can submit a total of one video. You must be over 13 to participate. Stand or sit in front of a plain wall with a neutral background. You can show your entire body or your waist up (see the sample), but please no talking heads. Practice your script several times before record...

All this Pollution is Making me to Schvitz!!

All this Pollution is Making me to Schvitz!! by Noam Dolgin So everyone is talking about Climate Change, Global Warming, Greenhouse Gases, Shifting Climate but what does this all mean. What is really happening and why? What can we do to make a real difference? The Greenhouse Effect. If it wasn’t for the Greenhouse effect, the Earth’s average temperature would be 9 degrees Fahrenheit, way too cold to support life as we know it! This life giving layer traps heat that would otherwise be lost to the atmosphere and keeps it in our global system. Not only is the Earth’s greenhouse gas layer not a bad thing, but ...

Turning the General Assembly into a Green Assembly

NEW YORK (Nov. 15, 2010) — It’s not easy being green, but it’s certainly possible. While the Jewish Federations’ General Assembly and International Lion of Judah Conference in New Orleans accomplished important work this past week, it did so at the expense of the environment. Organizers of the conferences didn’t provide recycling or composting containers. Instead, the two meetings produced a massive amount of non-biodegradable plastic trash. Every single meal was served on plastic with individually wrapped plastic flatware. Boxed lunches came with plastic water bottles. The community-service component of ...

I avoid using disposable products as much as possible.

I got some pretty cloth napkins in different colors from Bed Bath and Beyond near Lincoln Center here in Manhattan so we don't have to use paper napkins anymore. While I was there, I also picked up some extra (also pretty) dishtowels so we don't have to use paper towels to clean up messes anymore. Yes, these items have to be washed in the laundry but they don't take up that much extra space- Just stick 'em in a load you're already doing anyway. Also, check out these water bottles: http://flylady.net/pages/FlyShop_swb.asp . They're expensive for a water bottle but so worth it- it's the only water bottle I've ever ...

Siach: An Environment and Social Justice Conversation

Human rights. Land Use. San Francisco. Community Organizing. New York. Tzedek. Race. Beit Midrash. Tel Aviv. Poverty. Immigration. Lobbying. Farming. London. Young Adults. Food Access... May 12-15, 2011 Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center Falls Village, Connecticut The first annual Siach conference will launch a global network of experienced Jewish environment and social justice professionals, as well as highly dedicated lay leaders, from Israel, North America, and Europe to connect and collaborate upon a shared passion and commitment to Tzedek and Tikkun Olam. Approximately 120 participants, roughly 40% from Israel, ...

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