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Tools for Environment Art Contest (Babaganewz)

Resource Sheet for Environment Art Contest These resources from Jewcology users may be appropriate for the Environment Art Contest currently being run by Babaganewz, in partnership with Jewcology. Animals: Tzaar Baalei Chaim Activity How Am I Like the Animals and Plants Parshat Ki Tietze: The Compassion to Bring Mashiach Green Spaces: Pokeiakh-Ivrim (To See With New Eyes) Grapes, Goats and Sustainability Meet a Tree Shema Sound Maps - Hearing Godliness in the World General Paradigm: Why Going Green is a Jewish Issue Jewish Superheroes for the Earth ...

Trees, Torah and Caring for the Earth – Study Packet

What does the Torah say about the environment and Tu b'Shevat? Explore our collection of articles, stories, and Torah study materials. New Torah Study Materials for 5771 Trees, Torah, and Caring for the Earth by Dr. Akiva Wolff and Rabbi Yonatan Neril That the New Year of the Tree has come to be associated with sensitivity to and appreciation of the natural environment is not by chance. Many Jewish sources connect trees with our proper stewardship of the earth. Understanding these teachings on Tu b'Shevat can help us improve our relationship to G-d’s creation, our world. ...

Program Ideas for Tu b’Shevat

Canfei Nesharim's Tu b'Shevat Programs Planning a Tu b'Shevat Seder? How to Run a Seder: Tips and Instructions Haggadot: For download or order Enhance your seder: with Study Guides, Stories and Speaker Notes Audio Podcast: Trees in Jewish Thought (WAV file, 4:31) Video Teaching: Trees in Jewish Thought (4:37) Experiencing Trees: Suggested Activities (PDF, 3 pages) For Children, Teens, and Synagogues For 3-6 Year ...

Featured Tu B’Shevat Materials

Jewcology's Featured Tu b’Shevat Materials Check out these great materials for Tu b'Shevat! Canfei Nesharim How to Organize a Successful Tu b'Shevat Seder Program Ideas for Tu b'Shevat Study Packet: Trees, Torah, and Caring for the Earth Hazon Hazon's 2011 Tu B'Shvat Resources Hazon Tu Bishvat Seder Manual Tu B'shvat Seder Haggadah - Hazon’s 2010 Seder and Sourcebook My Jewish Learning New crafts for celebrating the birthday of the trees Noam Dolgin Apples & Maple Syrup, A New Tu B'shvat Tradition Communal Tu B'Sh...

Gas royalties – learning page in Hebrew to Tu Bi’shvat

Natural gas finds in Israel stirs a public discussion on gas royalties. With this public debate in mind, Teva Ivri's lesson plan for Tu Bi'shvat offers resources for a discussion on natural resources and environmental responsibility

In Wintry times, nurture life!

In Wintry times, nurture life! By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 1/7/2011 Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis Interreligious Relations Tu B'Shvat The new Congress convened this week. If you are worried over its impact on continuation of mass disemployment, on massive home foreclosures, on making Muslims and Hispanics into pariahs, on the newly enacted health-care system, on the swollen military budget and the possibility of bringing home our young men and women from the endless, self-destructive war in Afghanistan, and most ominous of all, on the Earth itself -- take a deep breath. B...

Order of Service & Teach-in, MLK Day, Jan 19, 2008

Order of Service & Teach-in, MLK Day, Jan 19, 2008 By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 11/26/2008 Earth Global Scorching Justice and Gender Justice and Race Seasons of American Sacred Time Spirituality of Justice War, Peace, & the Jewish Community World Empire Peace LITURGICAL SCENARIO FOR MLK BIRTHDAY OBSERVANCE, EVE OF INAUGURATION DAY, 2009 (From Rabia Harris, Muslim Peace Fellowship, and Rabbi Arthur Waskow, The Shalom Center) : Remember we awant people to stay interested, be moved, get ...

Voting Our Values: Nonpartisan Guide to Election Issues

Voting Our Values: Nonpartisan Guide to Election Issues Global Scorching Justice & immigration Civil Liberties & Human Rights Iraq-US War Environmental Justice Israeli-Palestinian Collision Globalization and Economic Justice War, Peace, & the Jewish Community VOTING OUR VALUES Judaism & American Life “To be is to stand for.” —Abraham Joshua Heschel RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION: A JEWISH CALL FOR JUSTICE Judaism & American Life Elections offer us the opportunity to reflect upon, ...

Blessing of the Sun: Looking Forward: April 8, 2009

Blessing of the Sun: Looking Forward: April 8, 2009 By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 6/25/2008 Earth Global Scorching Blessing of the Sun By Rabbi Arthur Waskow Early in the morning of April 8, 2009, Jewish communities (and whoever wants to join them) will have a teaching opportunity that comes only once every 28 years: the festival of Birkat HaChamah, the Blessing of the Sun. In ancient rabbinic tradition, it commemorates the moment when God created the sun in the first place. In modern practice, it fits well into today’s crisis of global “scorching” and the search for ...

Burma, Big Oil, Burning earth & Bush

Burma, Big Oil, Burning earth & Bush By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 10/3/2007 Earth Global Scorching Dear Friends, Petitions to the Myanmar/ Burma military government are sweeping the Internet - and will make no difference whatsoever. But there IS a way to make a difference: letters to the US government. The US press has focused on how China’s and India’s involvements make pressuring Myanmar’s govt difficult. But how much have you seen about the involvement of Chevron, a US oil company that bought Unocal and its stake in Burma? Reports the Associated Press (but have you seen this ...

Blessing the Sun, April 8, 2009

Blessing the Sun, April 8, 2009 By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 7/30/2007 Earth Global Scorching Blessing of the Sun On April 8, 2009, the 28-year cycle of the Jewish ceremony of Blessing the Sun will come ‘round again. Below you will find the essay on the celebration on April 8, 1981, of this extraordinary event — one of the least-known but most joyful of Jewish ceremonies — from my book SEASONS OF OUR JOY (Beacon Press). Let us begin to plan for 2009. — Rabbi Arthur Waskow Today [April 8, 1981] , as I complete this book, is perhaps the strangest of all the seasons of ...

Brief video: Facing the Pharaohs of Global Scorching

Brief video: Facing the Pharaohs of Global Scorching By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 12/17/2008 Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis Global Scorching Environmental Justice Globalization and Economic Justice Interreligious Relations My life-partner Rabbi Phyllis Berman and I spent a week in Sweden at the Interfaith Summit on the Climate Crisis. Watch the live 5-minute video of my "words of hope" for the thousand people who filled the Uppsala Cathedral, intertwining a vision of empowering ourselves and drawing on the Spirit. Then read the ...

Hanukkah for Humanity

Hanukkah for Humanity Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis Global Scorching Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles Hanukkah A 7-minute face-to-face talk with Rabbi Arthur Waskow about the Green Menorah and celebrating Hanukkah in a way that will bring light to the earth and the human race.

Consumerism lesson plan

In this lesson, students will reflect on their personal material consumption and how it affects the environment. They will then study three Jewish values which conflict with consumerism—not destroying, not coveting, and being happy with what you have. http://babaganewz.com/teachers/consumerism

Hazon’s 2011 Tu B’Shvat Resources

Hazon’s Tu B’Shvat Seder and Sourcebook Download the 2011 edition of our comprehensive, pluralistic, beautiful haggadah and source book for FREE. Complete with teachings and explanations, our haggadah is available in PDF format so you may print as few or as many copies as you need. Right-click and choose “save as” if you are having trouble… Read More

Parshat Pekudey: G-d is in the Details

By Rabbi Eliezer Shore, PhD View a Printable Version | View a Source Sheet Pekudey is the parsha (Torah portion) of details.[1] This short, seemingly redundant parsha does little more than sum up ...

Parshat Ki Tietze: The Compassion to Bring Mashiach

By Rabbi Dovid Sears View a Printable Version | View a Source Sheet Rabbi Sears requests that adaptations of his article are sent to him at meoreiohr@gmail.com. If you chance upon a bird’s nest along the way in any tree or on the ground, whether it contains young birds or eggs, and the mother is sitting upon the young birds or upon the eggs; you shall not take the mother bird together with her children. You shall surely send away (shale...

Strengthening the Lieberman-Warner Bill on Climate Crisis: A Detailed Analysis

Strengthening the Lieberman-Warner Bill on Climate Crisis: A Detailed Analysis By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 11/8/2007 Earth Global Scorching November 7, 2007 To: Members of the Committee on Environment and Public Works and Subcommittee on Private Sector and Consumer Solutions to Global Warming and Wildlife Protection We are writing you to express our concerns about Senate Bill 2191, “America’s Climate Security Act of 2007,” introduced by Senators Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and John Warner (R-Va.). The legislation falls short of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the amount current ...

Hanukkah, Bali, and Climate Crisis: Because the Earth is Holy

God Said to Noah: An Old/ New Song to Avert a New Flood By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 11/8/2007 Noah Global Scorching GOD SAID TO NOAH* Melody and some words, traditional; remainder by Rabbi Arthur Waskow * * Copyright (c) 2007 by Rabbi Arthur Waskow. All rights reserved. God said to Noah, The earth’s getting hotter, hotter, God said to Noah, The earth’s getting hotter, hotter, Yet she is My (clap) beloved daughter, daughter - Children of the Lord. CHORUS: Rise and shine and give God the glory glory Rise and shine and give God the glory glory Rise and shine and (clap!) ...

God Said to Noah: An Old/ New Song to Avert a New Flood

Hanukkah, Bali, and Climate Crisis: Because the Earth is Holy By Rabbi Arthur Waskow | 11/8/2007 Global Scorching BECAUSE THE EARTH IS HOLY [This statement has been signed by a variety of religious leaders and activists, including Rabbis Arthur Waskow& Jeff Sultar of The Shalom Center] From December 3 to 14, 2007 international representatives and heads of state will meet in Bali, Indonesia to address the historic challenge of setting new parameters on human activity in preparation for the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. Their mandate will be to lay the groundwork for a new treaty to limit and prevent ...