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Owner of Pearlstone Center

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Get Your Hands Dirty at the Nevatim-Sprouts Conference!

Nature-Based Workshops for Educators in Jewish Preschools, Day Schools and Synagogues Reisterstown, MD – May 5, 2014 -- Pearlstone Center is holding its 4th annual Nevatim-Sprouts Conference, Sunday, July 13th through Wednesday July 16th. This professional development conference brings together early childhood, day school, and religious school educators from around the country for training in Jewish garden and environmental education. ...

The Pearlstone Apprenticeship Experience

The opportunity to live and work in an immersive Jewish community first drew me to the Pearlstone Center in the winter of 2012. When a few months later conversation about creating a seven month immersive experience began to percolate I was ecstatic about the opportunity to be a part of making it come to life. Today Pearlstone’s Integrated Sustainability Apprenticeship is seven weeks into its inaugural season, and hosts eight fantastic ...

Pearlstone Center Family Farm Camp!

RATES: $200 adult, $100 children 4 and up, $50 children 3 and under. Contact for more information or visit here to register. Retreat. Relax in our natural setting and comfortable, care-free accommodations. Step away from the busyness of your daily routine and enjoy quality time with your family and other young, Jewish families at the Pearlstone Center. Delicious, healthy food will be served throughout Family Camp, ...

Family Fun on the Farm

In the Jewish calendar, the springtime month of Nissan signals the beginning of the agricultural New Year. As the weather warms and the days get longer, we shake off the frostiness of winter and awaken to the growth all around us. For the next 8 months, the familiar natural rhythms will renew: our favorite crops will appear at local farmer’s markets, chickens will increase their egg production, and baby animals will be born and mature. Yet, ...

Meet the Pearlstone Goats!

Shalom readers! Winter may be a slow time for animals, vegetables, and people, but here at the farm at the Pearlstone Center, things are picking up. One of the biggest and exciting stories from the animal pasture is that we currently have between three and six pregnant goats (G-d willing)! Blood tests will confirm exact numbers in a week or two, as our vet’s ultrasounds were only definitive for three. We expect them to begin kidding in ...

Pearlstone’s 5th Annual Beith Midrash!

May every person get to experience the communal and collective power of prayer, learning and celebration at our 5th annual Beit Midrash this year at the Pearlstone Center in Reisterstown, MD on February 15th-17th! For the past 4 years, a gathering of brightly spirited, intergenerational and diverse teachers, students, children and individuals have profoundly experienced and impacted the environmental Jewish movement at our annual Shabbaton. ...

Sneak Peek of Upcoming Pearlstone Programs!

As the days shorten and the farm remains dormant for the winter, the Pearlstone program team is continuing its hard work and preparation for the upcoming season. Here's a sneak peek at a few of the exciting upcoming opportunities: 5th Annual Beit Midrash and Bonus Day: Sacred, Sustainable Rhythms of the Jewish Calendar. The Beit Midrash is an inspirational Shabbaton filled with learning, celebration, and groundbreaking Jewish thought. Join ...

Pearlstone Center: Connecting Judaism and Agriculture

On November 11th, 2012 Pearlstone was blessed with the opportunity to host a group of 3rd-6th grade religious school students from Temple Beth Ami in Rockville, MD. Our experienced and engaging staff led a program including education on sustainable farming techniques as well as a deeper understanding of Jewish spirituality and how it connects with the environment. Temple Beth Ami's Sharon Tash, Informal/Family Educator, was so pleased with our program ...

Kayam Farm Summer Community Kollel

Join us for a transformative and life changing summer....come if for a week, a month, a summer! Community Kollel Sessions & Dates Contact Lisa Bodziner for more information: JUNE: Session Aleph- The FourFold Song May 25th- July 1ST Learning themes: 1. Perek Shira- The Song of all Creation 2. Judaism and Humanity 3. Clal Israel- ...