26 results for author: Sarah Rivka Schechter
Environmental Tip of the Week: Replace one or more store-bought, chemical-filled body-care products with something homemade and natural!
Cross posted in Environmental Tip of the Week
This is a great resource to get you started: http://www.jewcology.org/content/view/Do-It-Yourself-Body-Care-for-the-New-Year
Environmental Tip of the Week: Apology and this week’s tip: Dumpster Adventures
I'm not blogging much lately due to certain matters going on in my life. Sorry, I know this is supposed to be a weekly post but life happens....
Anyway, here's this week's tip. This applies if you live in a place where there's a central dumpster where people dump their garbage: When you take out the garbage, keep your eyes open for things that might not really be garbage but perhaps someone was just trying to get rid of the item without it occurring to them that maybe someone else could use it. If you find something useful, go ahead and take it home! For example, ...
Environmental Tip of the Week: 1.3 billion chickens
Cross posted from Environmental Tip of the Week
Take two seconds to take action!
I received the following email from Environment America:
1.3 billion chickens. 62 million hogs. 18 million head of cattle. Those are just some of the animals living in factory farms in the U.S. And these animals create more waste each year than the top 100 American cities combined.
Help us clean up factory farms.
"Ticking time bombs of manure" -- that’s the description Karen Hudson, a resident of Elmwood, Illinois, gave to factory farms when one spewed two million tons of raw, toxic manure near her home after a ...
Environmental Tip of the Week: 1.3 billion chickens
Take two seconds to take action!
I received the following email from Environment America:
1.3 billion chickens. 62 million hogs. 18 million head of cattle. Those are just some of the animals living in factory farms in the U.S. And these animals create more waste each year than the top 100 American cities combined.
Help us clean up factory farms.
"Ticking time bombs of manure" -- that’s the description Karen Hudson, a resident of Elmwood, Illinois, gave to factory farms when one spewed two million tons of raw, toxic manure near her home after a heavy rain.
This waste is revolting, and contami...
Teach your kids about being “green” at every opportunity!
Cross posted from Environmental Tip of the Week, http://environmentaltip.blogspot.ca/2012/10/teach-your-kids-about-being-green-at.html Teach your kids about being "green" at every opportunity! For example, recently I made a bus out of Legos for my daughter. She loaded it up with little toy people, animals, and food. While she was pushing it around on the floor, I asked her if it was a solar-powered bus. She responded yes. I've explained to her in the past, but said again, why it's better for the environment to power things with energy from the sun. I told her that it doesn't put pollution into the air nor does it contribute to ...
Advertising opportunity in Seattle Spanish/English green living magazine! :)
It's called Eco-Logica Magazine. Please email inquiries to sbedder@ecologicamagazine.com. I will be happy to email you our media kit and answer any questions it doesn't cover. Thanks!
Environmental Tip of the Week: An important reminder
Cross posted in Environmental Tip of the Week
You probably know that you should turn the water off when you're brushing your teeth, but do you remember to do it? If you're not so careful with that, consider this: You could save a thousand gallons per year from just this one good habit!
Environmental Tip of the Week: Apology and a short tip for this week
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Apology and a short tip for this week
Things have been crazy for me for awhile and I didn't post here!
Here's a short tip, as I'm running late now:
It's still a bit chilly at times here in Seattle. Next time you're tempted to turn up the thermostat, try grabbing a sweater instead. You'll save energy, and cut down your bill, too!
Environmental Tip of the Week: Celebrate Earth Day! :)
Earth Day is today!!!!! I'm not going to write my own tips this week; just check out this info about Earth Day 2011 that has plenty of info! :)
Tell the E.P.A.: No more methyl iodide
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Environmental Tip of the Week
and Foodiscovery
I did not write this message; it's just the copied and pasted "email your friends" message from after signing a petition of sorts.
Dear Friend,
Methyl iodide is a nasty chemical. It is a known neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor, and scientists in labs handle only small amounts using special protective equipment because it is so toxic. But do you know where else it is used? As a pesticide on strawberries and other food crops.
The battle against methyl iodide is being fought on several fronts. Last summer, Washington state banned the use of ...
Environmental Tip of the Week: Try to avoid disposable eating utensils!
Cross posted in Environmental Tip of the Week
from Maxistentialism on Tumblr
So what happens to plastic utensils when you're done with them and you throw them out? "According to the Clean Air Council, enough paper and plastic utensils are thrown away every year to circle the equator 300 times. It is estimated that close to 40 billion individual plastic utensils—meaning 14 and 18 billion plastic spoons—are produced each year, and with such low rates of reuse and recycling, most of them end up in our landfills, beaches and oceans. They are likely to remain there ...
Environmental Tip of the Week: Buy organic food!
Cross posted on Foodiscovery and Environmental Tip of the Week
Yes, it tends to be more expensive but organic growing practices are much better for the environment, and for health as well. Of course, the environment and health are connected. Folks, I just learned that workers at non-organic ("conventional") farms have died due to constant exposure to chemicals! Have a look at this discussion on Facebook for more information, websites to look at, etc.
Where to buy organic food? A lot of regular grocery stores, like my QFC at University Village, now carry some. You can also check out Whole Foods if there's one near you. ...
Environmental Tip of the Week: You can find creative new uses for things!
Cross posted on Environmental Tip of the Week
Sometimes you can reuse something you'd otherwise have to throw out! It can also save you from having to buy new stuff. For example, the nice little box my husband's iPhone came in was sitting in our closet, unused. Also sitting in our closet were random coins and dollar bills that were constantly falling on the floor. I'm now using that box to keep our spare change!
Environmental Tip of the Week: Know your local recycling policies!
Cross posted in Environmental Tip of the Week
Just Google recycling policies [your city] and you should get relevant sites. I found a site with Seattle's recycling ordinance, for example, that apartment building landlords can put up as a sign. If you live in an apartment building, it's worth checking its policies against the local laws to make sure they comply.
Environmental Tip of the Week: Support efforts to conserve marine environments!
Cross posted on The Daily Yay! and Environmental Tip of the Week
You can provide financial support toward this goal and have a fun, educational experience at the same time by visiting an aquarium and paying the admission fee. My husband, baby Rena, father-in-law, and step-mother-in-law had a wonderful time on Sunday at the Seattle Aquarium. Rena got to hold a starfish and play with felt sea creatures. There were so many pretty fish, and the exhibits were arranged quite artistically! It's my favorite aquarium so far. If you're not in Seattle, check out a local aquarium. Israel has multiple aquariums, Chicago has the Shedd Aquarium and ...
350 eARTh: Climate Change Art Visible From Space
This resource's content is attached.
New items in store! :)
I've listed two items of organic clothing, just two of several items of organic clothing in my new online shop, http://www.cafepress.com/ButterflyHaiku
Environmental Tip of the Week: Stay green even when moving, part 4
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Stay green even when moving, part 4
I know those massive amounts of cardboard boxes lying around are annoying. I'm not asking you to keep them all in case you need them in the future, just please remember to recycle them when you're done unpacking them. Alternatively, you can have them reused by giving them away to a new neighbor who is moving out of your neighborhood soon. (Thank you to The FlyLady for sharing this advice on her page with moving tips.)
The Daily Yay! thedailyyay.blogspot.com
I'll post environment-related posts from that blog here later, as I have limited internet access now.
Environmental Tips of the Week so far; I’ll add links later or you can check out environmentaltip.blogspot.com
Monday, January 24, 2011
Stay green even when moving, parts 2 and 3 and announcement
part 2: If you're moving across the country with a baby, your baby can fly for free if you ...