630 results for browsing: Unknown

Hannukah Eco Lights – Light, Learn and Clean Up the World!

Let's celebrate Hannukah 5771 by: 1) cleaning up the world! 2) sharing Jewish environmental teachings! 3) ...and lighting the Hannuka candles! Each year, Sviva Israel runs a Hannukah Eco Lights Facebook campaign, inviting Jews around the world to pick up an additional piece of trash each of the eight days of candlelighting. This small slice of Tikkun Olam, is accompanied by daily Hannukah teachings by contributors from all walks of Jewish life. Eco Lights have been written in Hebrew, English, Amharic, Russian, French, Flemish and even Chinese. To receive your daily teaching, we invite you to join this year’s Hannukah ...

Jewish culture – learning page in Hebrew

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consumption & Hanukkah – learning page in Hebrew

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cyclic at Hanukkah – learning page in Hebrew

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Water and Peaceful Collaboration in the Middle East – A Yarkon River Roundtable Activty

Goals: To understand the interconnectedness of Israel and Palestinian Stakeholders in environmental solutions building in the middle east To understand the casues and effects of water pollution in the middle east and explore collaborate solutions to the regions water problems. Procedure: 1) Introduce the concepts of water scarcity and pollution in Israel and the Palestinian Authority. 2) Divide the participants into 5 groups and assign each group a stakeholder (from below) 3) Distribute basic stakeholder information & a map to every group as well as the specific stakeholder sheet appropriate to their group. 4) ...

Zionist Self Guided Walk Cards – Tiyul Breshit

Here are some cards that can be printed and hing along a path for people to thing about as they walk through a bauetiful natural setting. This set is an Zionist expansion to the larger Tiyul Breshit program Materials developed by Noam Dolgin, www.noamdolgin.com. All content is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. (Ie. Tell other where you got it from and don't sell it)

Handout: Israel’s Major Environmental Challenges Include

Israel's Major Environmental Challenges Include: AIR POLLUTION: Israel's major cities, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa, as well as industrial centers like Ashdod, face severe air pollution problems, primarily from industrial and automobile emissions. In 2003, the Israel Union for Environmental Defense (IUED) published the results of a study it conducted with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that indicated that 1,400 Israelis die each year from exposure to air pollution in Tel Aviv and Ashdod alone. This is over twice the number of Israelis who die annually due to traffic accidents and terrorist acts combined. One out of six ...

Preservation vs Development – Zionism and the Land of Israel

Zionism and the Land of Israel Two views on preservation, development and the value of nature The next two pages contain an assortment of passages of Zionist and Israeli thinkers reflecting on the role of Zionism in developing the Land of Israel. Read the passages and consider the following questions: From an environmental perspective, has Zionism harmed or helped the land of Israel? Is opposition to development anti-Zionist? What is “Green/Eco Zionism” and is such a thing possible? Important? Materials developed by Noam Dolgin, www.noamdolgin.com. All content is subject to the Creative ...

Zionist Eco-Dilemmas

Zionist Eco-Dilemmas by Noam Dolgin and Becca Weaver Audience: Ages 12 and up Preparation: It is helpful to put each dilemma on a card. Procudure: 1) Break the participants into groups of 3-5 and hand each group a card. They should: a) Read and discuss the dilemma. b) Figure out what ecological and Jewish issues are involved. c) Come up with a solution, or choose an answer to the dilemma. (the group does not have to agree) 4) Depensing on time, rotate cards so that each groups gets to discuss a number of the dilemmas 5) After the final card, have each group present their final ...

Activity: The Unnatural Jew, Exploring Our Relationship to Land

An activity that explores the connections between land, time and responsibility, and looks at the Jewish historical and religious connection to Zion and the lands we live on today. Age: 12 and up Time: 30 minutes and up depending on how much of this highly flexible program you choose to lead. Materials: 2 pictures of Hall Peninsula (Aerial photograph, and Inuit’s recounting - attached) Reading, The Unnatural Jew by Steven Schwartzchild Blank Paper, Pencils or Markers Procedure: 1) Define term: ‘Eco’ a. How is used, what words begin with it? b. What does ‘eco’ ...

Chanukah and Consumerism – Sources in Hebrew

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Weekly Torah Teachings on the Environment

Canfei Nesharim is proud to present Eitz Chayim Hee: A Torah Commentary for Environmental Learning and Action. This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org. Bereishis:The Stewardship Paradigm in the Torah Portion of Bereishis Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks Source Sheet Noach: A Paradigm for Environmental Consciousness Shimshon Stüart Siegel Source Sheet Lech Lecha: Joining Together for Justice in the Land Tuvia Aronson Source Sheet ...

Cuidemos el agua

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Campaña de ahorro energético

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Los árboles, la Torá y el cuidado de la tierra

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Meaning of Light (Hebrew)

Chanukah -Sources about the light and his meaning.

Chanukah and Consumerism (Hebrew)

Michal Bergman from Teva Ivri - "limud" to Chanukah

CHANUKAH – From Nature to Culture (Hebrew)

Einat Kramer from Teva Ivri - "limud" to Chanukah

Jewcology Magnet!

Spread the word about Jewcology! Order our great new magnets to let your community know about this new resource. Just $10.00, sold in packs of 50. Free shipping!

Green Cleaning Recipes

Find recipes for green cleaning products at Canfei Nesharim.org.