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The Story of My Snack – Dramatic Version

Educational Objectives: 1) To raise awareness about the origins of our food 2) To learn about environmental inputs and human activity necessary to produce, transport and prepare food. 3) To understand the many environmental and social implications of our food, and learn how to make good food choices Duration: 15 - 25 minutes Materials: Food, costumes (optional) Program Description: To be conducted after a snack or meal: 1) In small groups (3-5 per group), have the students choose one item from what they just ate. 2) Ask groups to discuss the life history of that food item from planting to their mouth. ...

Learning and Discussion Sheet: “Is the Tree of the Field a Man?”

Canfei Nesharim offers the following printable source sheet with discussion questions to use in your Seder or other Tu b'Shevat activity. In a "Four Worlds" Tu b'Shevat Seder, this learning resource is recommended to be used for World 1. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our partners list.” This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org.

On Fruit-Bearing Trees: A Source Sheet for Tu b’Shevat Learning

Canfei Nesharim offers the following printable source sheets with discussion questions to use in your Seder or other Tu b'Shevat activity. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our partners list.” This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org/.

Learning Sources for Tu B’Shevat

As part of our 5770 Learning and Action Campaign, we’ve gathered a rich compilation of traditional Jewish texts which may be learned around the holiday of Tu b’Shevat. Canfei Nesharim also offers individual printable source sheets based on these materials with discussion questions you may like to use for your community’s programs. Sources compiled by Rabbi Daniel Brown - see below sources for English translations. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our partners list.&rdquo...

Bal Tashchit: Do Not Destroy – A Tu B’Shevat Seder

Looking to organize a community Tu b’Shevat Seder? Canfei Nesharim has the resources for you! Note: These haggadot are meant to be printed double-sided on legal recycled paper, and folded twice. (They can also be "scaled" in your printer to letter size, but the text will be a bit small.) For more Tu B'Shevat Seder resouces including additional haggadot, please visit the Plan a Tu B'Shevat Seder page. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed ...

Food: Blessings and Responsibility – A Tu B’Shevat Seder

Looking to organize a community Tu b’Shevat Seder? Canfei Nesharim has the resources for you! Note: These haggadot are meant to be printed double-sided on legal recycled paper, and folded twice. (They can also be "scaled" in your printer to letter size, but the text will be a bit small.) For more Tu B'Shevat Seder resouces including additional haggadot, please visit the Plan a Tu B'Shevat Seder page. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our ...

Appreciation for Nature’s Blessings: Exploring the Gifts of the Earth – A Tu B’Shevat Seder

Looking to organize a community Tu b’Shevat Seder? Canfei Nesharim has the resources for you! This resource includes Printable Honor Cards for use at your Appreciation for Nature's Blessings Seder. Note: These haggadot are meant to be printed double-sided on legal recycled paper, and folded twice. (They can also be "scaled" in your printer to letter size, but the text will be a bit small.) For more Tu B'Shevat Seder resouces including additional haggadot, please visit the Plan a Tu B'Shevat Seder page. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? ...

Tu B’Shvat Platters for Seniors Activity (For Teens)

Tu B’Shvat Platters for Seniors Activity (For Teens) Explain to the teens that in honor of the upcoming Tu B’Shvat holiday they will be learning about the spiritual connection of the native fruits of Israel and their health properties; they will also prepare a small Tu B’Shvat celebration for the elderly in a Jewish care facility during their regular meal time. This program includes four components: Learning/Discussion on the Seven Species Tu B’Shvat Platter Preparation Presentation to Seniors Additional Program Options A. Learning/Discussion ...

Making Tu B’Shevat Greeting Cards

(For ages 6-10) Tu B’Shvat Discussion and Introduction to Activity Discuss Tu B’Shvat as the “New Year for the Trees” (see "What is Tu b'Shevat?" for a simple explanation) and how Hashem has given us all of the very useful and beautiful things in nature (i.e. acorns for squirrels to eat, fallen leaves for kids to play with, melting snow from which to get water). Ask children to think about what they appreciate in nature and write their ideas on a chalk board, white board, or poster board. Tell the children that they will be creating Tu B’Shvat greeting cards for someone special ...

Tu B’Shevat HaKaras HaTov Tree: Giving Thanks to Hashem for Nature

(For ages 3-6) The children will give thanks to Hashem for the beautiful, interesting and useful things in nature and make a “Thankful Tree.” They will also sample the fruits of the seven species of Israel and other traditional Tu B’Shevat fruits. Tu B’Shevat and Nature Discussion Instructors tell the children that the holiday of Tu B’Shevat is coming.. Explain that Tu B’Shevat is the “New Year of the Trees” so it is a good time to talk about nature and the things in nature that we appreciate that Hashem gives us. Show pictures of nature (seee Nature Images and/or cut out ...

Sukkot/Shemini Atzeret Resource and Program Bank

On Sukkos, we celebrate water through the Simchas Beis Hashoeva (Celebration of the Water Drawing Ceremony) and we continue recognizing the value of water through tefilat geshem, the beginning of our prayers for rain. Our rabbis and ancestors understood that water is essential for life. Each year, Canfei Nesharim encourages communities to focus on appreciating water on Sukkos and Shemini Atzeres. This year we are focusing on the precious importance of water, and reminding everyone, "Don't Let Precious Water Run!" Adult Learning Water Facts ...

Go Geothermal Part 2

In the last installment of this series, I explained my rational for going geothermal. In this portion, I will explain how a geothermal system works. A geothermal heat pump system works by using the ground’s thermal energy to heat and cool your home. There are several components to the system: First, a six inch wide hole was dug 420 feet straight down into the ground in front of my home. A closed loop of piping was inserted into the hole and back out, and then run into my basement. (The piping is entirely hidden underground – you could be standing right on top of it, and you would have no idea.) From the ...

Chanukah Resource and Program Bank

This Chanukah, Save Energy. Save Money. Protect the Environment! The holiday of Chanukah revolves in large part around a miracle related to olive oil. In Biblical and Talmudic times, olive oil, used for light, heat, fuel and food, was a very important resource for energy. The limitations on this resource often posed problems in ancient times -- just as modern limits on availability of energy resources pose a problem today. The traditional Jewish relationship to olive oil can teach us much about how we can relate to energy today. Celebrate ...

Take the Energy Star Pledge

Join Canfei Nesharim and Take the Energy Star Pledge! The pledge is a simple but vital method of encouraging more people like you to commit to preventing greenhouse gases and saving energy resources, one light - one energy-saving step - at a time. Our goal is to get 100 people to pledge to change at least one light at home. Just think, by reaching this goal we will be making a significant impact on our environment, potentially preventing approximately 40,900 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions and 28,200 kWh of energy. Every ENERGY STAR qualified light bulb uses 75% less energy than a standard bulb, lasts up 10 times longer ...

A Fresh Exchange: A Fresh Twist on Chanukah

A Fresh Exchange A Fresh Twist on Chanukah Amidst the gift-giving and consumerism of Chanukah and “the holiday season,” this month’s action section focuses on getting more, needing less, and building community. By exchanging toys and other gifts with friends in your community, you can reduce resources, build community, and have fun! The inspiration for this piece comes from a campaign organized by Canfei Nesharim friend Jessica Haller. She has created a project, Fresh Exchange, to share gifts and toys in her community. Earlier this year, a Kids Stuff Fresh Exchange was organized at the Riverdale ...

Energy Activities for Adults

Our Jewish Sources on Energy and its Uses Instructions for Discussion Group Leader Intended audience: Adults Click here for a printer-friendly version of this page Click here to view the activity sheets for this page This activity will involve study of the basic concepts regarding energy and why it needs to be saved and a number of applicable Jewish sources, and an optional demonstration of the efficiency of Compact Fluorescent bulbs. Bulbs may also be sold at the event. Preparation Review the activity materials, and depending on the time available and the type of ...

Energy activities for Teens

Our Jewish Sources on Energy and its Uses Instructions for Discussion Group Leader Intended audience: Teens Printer-friendly version l Resource sheets The Youth Department of the synagogue or similar group organizes teams of teens to go to homes of congregants to, demonstrate CFL bulbs and take orders of bulbs for subsequent delivery; and to explain and suggest a follow-up total home energy audit. This community service opportunity will be preceded by group study and discussion about why and how we need to save energy, some Jewish sources that buttress this attitude and an experiment demonstrating the efficiency of CFL ...

Energy Activities for children 6-10

Our Jewish Sources on Energy and its Uses Instructions for Discussion Group Leader Intended audience: Children 6-10 View a print version of this page. This program will teach basic concepts about energy and why we need to save it. It will stimulate discussions about the use of appliances and ways to save energy at home, even on Shabbat. Please provide snacks in washable, biodegradable or recyclable containers. Details of the activities The leader can pick from the activities and handouts described below, according to the ages and size of the group. Please review all materials before beginning ...

Energy Activities for Children 3-6

Our Jewish Sources on energy and its uses Instructions for Discussion Group Leader Intended audience: Children 3-6 View print version l View activity sheets Lesson Format: Song Craft Activity Additional Resources I. Singing Song is sung to the tune of “The wheels on the bus go round and round” NOTE: the words “ON” and “OFF” can be accompanied with: - hand motions – opening and closing the palm of the hand - a flashlight being turned on and off - a table lamp being turned on and ...

Statement on Climate Change

Approved by Canfei Nesharim Board of Directors, May 2009 Download a Printer-Friendly Version Summary: What is Happening The Earth’s climate has warmed significantly over the last 50 years, and unless human activities change dramatically, will continue to warm throughout his century. Fossil fuels are burned as a result of things we do every day to eat, travel, and live in our homes. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, are released by the burning of fossil fuels (such as oil, coal, and natural gas). These “greenhouse gases” remain in the ...