
I avoid using disposable products as much as possible.

I got some pretty cloth napkins in different colors from Bed Bath and Beyond near Lincoln Center here in Manhattan so we don't have to use paper napkins anymore. While I was there, I also picked up some extra (also pretty) dishtowels so we don't have to use paper towels to clean up messes anymore. Yes, these items have to be washed in the laundry but they don't take up that much extra space- Just stick 'em in a load you're already doing anyway. Also, check out these water bottles: http://flylady.net/pages/FlyShop_swb.asp . They're expensive ...

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Siach: An Environment and Social Justice Conversation

Human rights. Land Use. San Francisco. Community Organizing. New York. Tzedek. Race. Beit Midrash. Tel Aviv. Poverty. Immigration. Lobbying. Farming. London. Young Adults. Food Access... May 12-15, 2011 Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center Falls Village, Connecticut The first annual Siach conference will launch a global network of experienced Jewish environment and social justice professionals, as well as highly dedicated lay leaders, from Israel, North America, and Europe to connect and collaborate upon a shared passion and commitment to Tzedek ...

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Following Jewcology

Follow "Jewcology Team" to hear the latest updates from Jewcology.com!

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Jewcology at 169 resources!

Good work everyone, we now have 169 resources uploaded on Jewcology in our pre-launch phase! The resources cover a broad range of topics, including environmental topics such as vegetarianism, water, energy, agriculture, trees, food, and recycling; Jewish holidays such as Rosh Hashanah and Shavuot; Jewish mitzvot such as Bal Tashchit (do not waste) and Tzaar Baalei Chaim (proper treatment of animals); and are intended for a wide range of audiences including grades 1-3, grades 4-6, grade 7-9, grades 10-12, adults, and rabbis. Types of resources include synagogue ...

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Congrats to the entire Jewcology team!

Mazel Tov!!! Well done to everyone who got Jewcology up and running. The site looks great and I can't wait to see what we are all able to do with it. Hats off (but not the kippah) to you all!

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Thoughts on PJLL session

I learned a lot today and had fun. There are great resources. Let me know when you plant a garden at your school - we are trying to do the same. This is my second blog - ever!

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Hi I’m with the Pjll educators

I'm glad to be with them

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Hi, I’m learning about this new resource at a PJLL conference for Early Childhood Educators

This resource's content is attached.

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Hi, I’m with the PJLL educators.

Let's see if this works!

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Check out this new posting about our Silver Spring Sustainability Circle!


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Digital Detritus: The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste

by Dr. Daniel Weber In one small town in rural China, the blood of the local children is so contaminated from a specific local industry that over 80% of them are now diagnosed with significant lead poisoning[1]. Fumes filled with poisonous dioxins and heavy metals fill the lungs of workers in . Fumes filled with poisonous dioxins and heavy metals fill the lungs of workers in Accra, Ghana as they melt the plastic insulation off copper wires[2]. In . In New Delhi, India, the pots and pans used for cooking are the same ones used to isolate lead from other components ...

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