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Recipes for Tu B’Shevat

Follow this link to Canfei Nesharim's website to find Recipes for Tu B'Shevat!

Learn Torah!  A Full Library of Articles for Tu B’Shevat

Learn Torah! A Full Library of Articles for Tu B'Shevat is available at Canfei Nesharim.org. These articles are meant to be shared, and should be reprinted with the note "Reprinted with permission from Canfei Nesharim, as part of their Annual Tu b'Shevat Learning Campaign in 5773/2013. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our partners list.”

The Trees Sang with Joy: Action Suggestions

The Trees Sang with Joy: Action Suggestions The actions suggestions below follow on from Jonathan Neril's article: The Trees Sang with Joy. Using Wood Toward a Higher Goal Here are some suggestions for using our wood resources responsibly: · Commit to being in nature one day a month, and for ten minutes of that day, try to listen to the song of the trees.. · Buy wood exclusively from producers certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. Information is available at www.fsc.org · Receive only the mail you want and need. Cancel (much of) the junk mail you receive by going to ...

Plan a Tu B’Shevat Seder

Looking to organize a community Tu b’Shevat Seder? Canfei Nesharim has the resources for you! Order a colorful, eco-printed one-page haggadah from Canfei Nesharim to use at your community seder! Order eco-reminders to hand out at your seder Tips and Instructions for running an effective Tu b’Shevat Seder Timeline and instructions for running a Tu b'Shevat Seder on a timeline Great learning resources to enhance your seder. If you would rather print out your own haggadah, download our haggadot which have been offered in the past. Choose from our three seder topics: 1. Appreciation ...

Plan a Tu B’Shevat Kiddush

Plan a Tu B'Shevat Kiddush Organizing a Tu b’Shevat Kiddush can be a lovely way to engage your community in Torah-environmental awareness for the first time. Here are some steps to take to make this happen. 1. Contact your shul administrator to arrange for the Tu b’Shevat Kiddush. Ask if funds are available for additional fruits and nuts, or if some of the traditional Kiddush fare could be offset by your Tu b’Shevat fruits and nuts. (Note that if this is not a possibility, someone may need to sponsor the purchase of fruits and nuts for this program.) Identify steps needed to organize this Kiddush ...

Am I My Planet’s Keeper? An Op-Ed piece

by Evonne Marzouk In the story of Cain and Abel, when Cain murders Abel and G-d questions him, Cain responds with the answer, "Am I my brother's keeper?" This often-quoted rhetorical question has come to represent an ethical responsibility that all human beings have toward each other, also reflected in Hillel's famous characterization of Judaism: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your brother." Today, in a time when the car I choose to drive can have dramatic consequences for people on a small island thousands of miles away, or when the type of paper I buy could affect an endangered plant (with possible ...

Reducing Psolet (Food Waste) in our School Lunch Rooms

Materials developed by Noam Dolgin and the Teva Learning Center. All content is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. (Ie. Tell other where you got it from and don't sell it)

Tragedy of the Commons – Comic / Graphic Interpretations of The Stones Story

This resource's content is attached.

Waste Activities – 3 Rs; Garbage Relay

Materials developed by Noam Dolgin, www.noamdolgin.com. All content is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. (Ie. Tell other where you got it from and don't sell it)

Waste Minimization, Bal Tashchit and Beyond – A Primer for Schools & Synagogue

Waste Minimization, Bal Tashchit and Beyond By: Risa Alyson Strauss Kavanah Organic Community Teaching Garden, Program Coordinator Waste Minimization Canadians produce more than 31 million tons of waste annually – that’s 2.7 kilograms per person per day! Over 75% of that waste is sent to landfills where it collects and slowly breaks down, producing greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide, and leeching potentially dangerous substances into our groundwater system.[1] REDUCING the amount of waste produced in the first place is the most efficient way of conserving natural resources and protecting our environ...

Calculation Energy in our Bodies, Energy in our Lives

Goals: To learn about energy, how it is produced and its sources; To understand the concept of energy efficiency and explore what each of us can personally do to reduce your energy consumption. Duration: 30 minutes Materials: 1 - 13 Watt Compact Fluorescent Light bulb (CFL) 1 - 60 Watt Incandescent light bulb 2 Table Lamps Cookies or other packaged food Audience: Grades 4+ Procedure: Part 1 1) Start with a 2 minute eating meditation over a cookie (or something else packaged) Elements to include in the eating meditation: Say the Bracha (Blessing), most likely Boreh Mineh Mezonot Close your ...

An Exploration of Jewish Values Related to Climate Change

Goal: To introduce students to a wide variety of Jewish environmental teachings related to the climate crisis in an interactive program. Duration: 30 minutes Materials: Discussion sheets; Props Audience: Grades 4+ Introduction: If shema says listen to the commandments and to avoid global problems, let’s see what the commandments say? Procedure: 1) Divide students into five groups, and have them sit in small circles. 2) Distribute discussion sheets to each group. Each group should receive a different discussion sheet. Distribute at least one copy for every 2 students 3) Ask students to read and ...

Jewish Values of Cause and Effect, Shema 2nd Paragraph

Goal: Explore climate as God’s expression of cause and effect Duration: 30 minutes Materials: Siddurim (Prayer books) Audience: Grades 5+ Procedure: 1) Divide students into groups of 3 students each. Distribute a siddur and a worksheet 2) Have students read the Shema 2nd paragraph and fill out the worksheet 3) At the midpoint read the alternative translation aloud, then pass out a copy to each group 4) have them finish the worksheet. 5) Return together and share Discussion: 1) Causes of problem in 2nd paragraph. a. What does God warn us against? b. What are false ...

The Trees Sang with Joy: A Teaching for Tu b’Shevat

by Yonatan Neril. Beit Hillel teaches that Tu b’Shevat is the new year of the trees. [1] At this time of sap rising within trees it is an appropriate time to explore a teaching of the Sages on how our forefathers related to trees. According to the Midrash [2] , when Yaakov went down to Egypt, he received a prophecy that his descendants would be redeemed from there and be commanded to build a Mishkan (Sanctuary) in the desert. The Sanctuary existed as a center for Divine worship for over 400 years in Israel until King Solomon built the first Temple in Jerusalem in 832 BCE. Yaakov instructed his children to plant acacia trees in ...

How to Run a Tu b’Shevat Seder in One Hour

A Tu b’Shevat Seder can be adapted to different timeframes that you have available. Your seder will feelmore relaxed if you can give them approximately two hours including set-up and conclusion. However, there are times when shorter seders are called for. It’s not recommended to try to do a whole Tu b’Shevat seder in less than an hour (if you have less than an hour you might want to try doing just one world), but if you have an hour, it is possible to have a nice seder during that time period. Here is a timeline that might help. Note: This timeline is designed for use with a "Four Worlds" Tu ...

Tu b’Shevat Stories

Use these links to find Tu b'Shevat stories on Canfei Nesharim's website. These stories can be used to accompany a "Four Worlds" style Tu b'Shevat seder. The New Year for the Trees: A Tu B'Shvat Story: a chasidic story exploring the potential of nature and people. (recommended for use in world 1) "The Holy Vitebsker at the Kinneret": this story, by anthropomorphism, grants a personality to the Sea of Galilee. (recommended for world 2 or 3) "The Wind": a chasidic story demonstrating the importance of the wind (recommended for world 4). “Using Canfei Nesharim’s ...

Experience the Fruit: A Short Guided Meditation for Appreciating Creation

Here is a simple, guided meditation that might add an experiential component to your Tu b’Shevat Seder or activity. As always, know your community. Only use this if it will work for your community! Feel free to modify if needed. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our partners list.” This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org.

Torah Stories for Tu b’Shevat

Here are some stories that might prove an inspiring addition to your Tu b’Shevat programs. “Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our partners list.” This content originated at Canfei Nesharim.org.

Speakers Notes for Each of the Four Worlds in the Tu b’Shevat Seder

This resource features Speakers Notes with Environmental Facts and Torah Sources for each of the Four Worlds in the Tu b'Shevat Seder. World One: The Land World Two: Clean Water World Three: Oceans World Four: Clean Air These speaking notes were created and piloted for Canfei Nesharim by the Young Israel Shomrei Emunah and the Kemp Mill Synagogue in Silver Spring, MD. They are intended as a guide for community leaders conducting Canfei Nesharim’s “Appreciating Nature’s Blessings” Tu b’Shevat Seder, and as a resource for community leaders conducting other Torah ...

The Jewish Holiday Cycle – Ecological, Historical & Spiritual Dimensions

Jewish law and celebration have long reflected a deep connection to land, specifically to agricultural land in Israel. In fact, almost every Jewish holiday has at its core an agricultural connection. Exploring those values in addition to the holiday’s historic and religious themes, allows the teacher to provide a comprehensive Jewish educational experience that combines ethics, history and spirituality. Use this table as a reference or as the basis for a discussion on the connection between the Jewish year and natural ecological and agricultural cycles. Materials developed by Noam Dolgin, www.noamdolgin.com. All ...