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Register for Leadership Training at Teva!
Jewcology Public Narrative Leadership Training, June 1-2 (at the Teva Seminar on Jewish Environmental Education, May 31-June 3) Are you educating the Jewish community about protecting the environment? Have you faced challenges with motivating people to move beyond intellectual knowing and into action? Have you struggled with inspiring Jews who don’t have the same values as you? Or have you felt limits in your ability to engage those ...
Question of the Week #18
Ilana Krakowski, intern at Hazon, asks Jewcology's question of the week. What are you growing this year?
Jewish Environmentalists Explore Purpose, Community and Action
Who are you? Who is your community? And what do you need to be doing now? These fundamental questions are key to making change in any community. Yet many leaders spend little time focusing on them, or identifying how to communicate them to their audiences. Last year, I helped organize a leadership training for lay leaders seeking to make environmental change in their Jewish communities. One of the focuses of the discussion was inviting people ...
Question of the Week #17
Rabbi Nathan Martin, Director of Student Life at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, and Jason Bonder, student representative on the RRC Green Committee (and chair of the Recon Riders Team for the Hazon New York Ride), ask the Jewcology Question of the Week.
Question of the Week #16
Judith Erger, the Governance, Leadership Development, and Architecture Specialist for the Union for Reform Judaism, asks Jewcology's Question of the Week!
Question of the Week #15
Farmer Emily Jane Freed asks Jewcology's Question of the Week from a field of rosemary in Santa Cruz, CA.
Jewcology Celebrates our 100th Day!
Mazel tov! We're excited to be celebrating the 100th day since Jewcology's launch on November 29. In honor of this happy anniversary, we are awarding the new Jewcology Leaf to our most active participants. You can see the leaf in the corner of the profile pictures of our top participants. Look on the site to see who got the leaf, and participate actively to earn your own! Jewcology has come a long way in the ...
Question of the Week #14
Laura Bellows, director of the Teva Learning Center's Congregational and Community programs, asks the Jewcology Question of the Week.
Jewcology Leadership Trainings
Connecting to the Heart: A Leadership Tool for Engaging the Unengaged Are you seeking to make environmental change in local or national Jewish communities? Looking for ways to move people that do not always share the same views as you? Would you like to learn how to use a leadership skill to connect to people’s hearts? How can we use the stories of our lives to inspire, teach, and motivate others? In this training we will learn to share the ...
Question of the Week #13
Dr. Alon Tal, co-founder of the Green Zionist Alliance: The Grassroots Campaign for a Sustainable Israel, asks the Jewcology question of the week. What will you do? Share below.
Connecting to the Heart – Leadership Training March 13-14
Do you care about protecting our environment? Would you like to educate the Jewish community to learn more about this important issue? As you engage your family, school, or community, would you like to be more effective at speaking to people who don't always share the same views as you? Join us in March for a new in-person leadership training opportunity which will empower you to engage those who are not already involved in environmental ...
Question of the Week #12
Yoshi Silverstein from Kayam Farm asks Jewcology's Question of the Week.
Question of the Week #11
Jake Wilkenfeld-Mongillo of Hazon asks Jewcology's question of the week.
Question of the Week #10
Liore Milgrom-Elcott, board member of the Green Zionist Alliance and staff member at Hazon, asks Jewcology's question of the week.
March 13-14 Leadership Training – Scholarship Deadline Feb 14
As a Jewish environmentalist, are you seeking to inspire environmental change in local or national Jewish communities? Looking for ways to move people that do not always share the same views as you? Jewcology is pleased to offer a special new in-person leadership training opportunity which will empower participants to engage those who are not already involved in environmental action, and in so doing, raise the level of environmental engagement ...
Question of the Week #9
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, of Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation in Bethesda, MD and the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, asks Jewcology's Question of the Week.
Question of the Week #26
Sarah Osborne of Canfei Nesharim and the Jewcology Team asks Jewcology's question of the week.
Question of the Week #8
Daniel Infeld of Hazon asks Jewcology's question of the week.
3 minutes, 25 leaders, and one web portal uniting Jewish environmentalists around the world
25 Jewish environmentalists from around the world share their commitment to the environment, and how is supporting their efforts. Many thanks to Sasha Perry for her tireless video efforts making this a reality! To share this video: To embed on your site, use this embed code: <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="
Register for Jewcology Leadership Training!
As a Jewish environmentalist, are you seeking to inspire environmental change in local or national Jewish communities? Looking for ways to move people that do not always share the same views as you? Jewcology, the new web portal for the global Jewish environmental community, is pleased to offer a special new in-person leadership training opportunity which will empower us to engage those who are not already involved in environmental action, and in so ...