Member since 2010

Owner of Jewcology Team

The Jewcology Team was created to develop and manage the Jewcology site! Our posts represent messages and tools for the entire field.

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Question of the Week #7

Rachel Cohen of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism asks Jewcology's question of the week.

Looking for a few good Jewish environmentalists…

The Jewcology video is almost ready (and looking great!), but we need just a couple more people to submit videos on a quick turnaround (videos need to be in by the end of the weekend). Can you help? If so, please send us a message and we'll get you all the details.

Advertise on Jewcology!

Would you like to advertise your products or organization on Jewcology? Please see our fee schedule attached.

Question of the Week #6

Rabbi Shawn Zevit, Director of Congregational Services, Outreach and Tikkun Olam at the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, asks Jewcology's 6th Question of the Week.

Support Jewcology at Year-End!

We've gotten a great start this year with Jewcology. But there is much more to do! Will you help us make 2011 a banner year by making a tax-deductible donation of $10, $18, or $36 to support our upcoming efforts? Funds will be used for enhanced technology, additional programs, and promotion. Thanks for your support! Support Jewcology

Check out the Adva Network Job Board

The Adva Network hosts a Job Board to help facilitate the placement of alumni in jobs around the world. Check out what’s available:

Question of the Week #5

Joanna Katz of the Teva Learning Center asks Jewcology's Question of the Week. What will you answer?

Question of the Week #4

Evonne Marzouk asks Jewcology's fourth "question of the week."

You can be famous! (Deadline: TODAY!!)

Jewcology invites Jewish environmentalists around the world to have your work featured in a video which will be circulated across the Jewish community around Tu b'Shevat. All you need to participate is a video camera (regular camera with video mode works just fine), a neutral wall, and yourself! Here are the instructions for creating and submitting your video. The best ones will be spliced together and shared across the world! But remember, ...

Question of the Week #3 – Jakir Manela

Jakir Manela of Kayam Farm asks Jewcology's Question of the Week.

New Press about Jewcology!

Check out two great new articles about Jewcology! A Very Jewish Environment (Washington Jewish Week): - New Online Home for Jewish Environmentalists (J of Northern California):

Jewcology Question of the Week #2

Diane and Noah, Topsy Turvy Bus educators of the Teva Learning Center, ask Jewcology's second question of the week.

Ten Tips for Using Jewcology

How can you make the best use of Jewcology? There are many ways to participate. First, make sure you have signed up (it's free!) and edited your profile to show your website, favorite causes, twitter name, the state where you live, and your picture. This will enable you to participate fully in the Jewcology community. Then, the following possibilities are available to you: 1) Comment on a recent blog posting. Featured blog posts are ...

Recent Press about Jewcology!

We are featured in the New York Jewish Week and Ynetnews today!,7340,L-3991503,00.html And don't miss our feature on the ROI Community website:

Jewcology Launch Today!

Welcome to Jewcology! We know many people are joining the site today, and we are so excited to have you with us! Please browse around the site, post micro-blog postings and join communities, and let us know of any bumps you encounter along the way. You can see Jewcology featured today on Arutz7: and at P...

New terms of use

Jewcology's new terms of use are now posted at These terms of use incorporate a Creative Commons license. Learn more at

Jewcology Question of the Week #1

Noam Dolgin asks the first Jewcology "Question of the Week." Please post your answers in the comment box.

Be a Part of the Jewcology Collaborative Video!

Jewcology is pleased to invite our members to participate in a collaborative video effort, which will display the rich and diverse worldwide community of Jewish environmentalists. We welcome your submissions to the collaborative video, which will be posted and promoted widely around Tu b’Shevat. How to Create Your Video Each person can submit a total of one video. You must be over 13 to participate. Stand or sit in front ...

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