What can we do to save the environment as a Jewish community?

Birmingham, UK , United Kingdom

Come and hear David Krantz, and our other panelists Yonatan Neril and Frauke Ohnholz discuss the biggest environmental issues we are facing in the coming years and what we can do as a community to improve the wider environment that we live in. The Limmud Festival 2018 (December 22 - 27 in Birmingham, UK) is […]

Gefiltefest: Pickle and sauerkraut making – fun with (lacto) fermentation

Birmingham, UK , United Kingdom

Like food? David Krantz will help you learn how to make and jar your own probiotic pickles and sauerkraut! No refrigeration needed. Ingredients will be supplied. Just bring yourself! The Limmud Festival 2018 (December 22 - 27 in Birmingham, UK) is one of the biggest celebrations of Jewish learning and culture in the world. David Krantz leads Aytzim […]

Eco-Zionism, Diaspora politics and Israel’s shadow government: how you can make a difference

Speaker: David Krantz Discover the shadow government that most Israelis don’t even know about. And learn how you can have an impact in Israel beyond donations and advocacy. Herzl’s vision for Israel may be different than you think. The Limmud Festival 2018 (December 22 - 27 in Birmingham, UK) is one of the biggest celebrations of […]

A tree of life: mapping the growth of the Jewish-environmental movement

Speaker: David Krantz From pickle makers to bicyclists to farmers to environmental-policy wonks to Yiddishists, learn more about the nascent Jewish-environmental movement. What initiatives are working in the field? Where are they? What are their strengths and challenges? And how can you become involved? The Limmud Festival 2018 (December 22 - 27 in Birmingham, UK) is […]

Strike for the Climate, Albany NY: Friday Sept. 20th, 11 am – 2 pm

79 Sheridan Ave., Albany, NY 79 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY, United States

The People of Albany United for Safe Energy (PAUSE) are joining with the students from local high schools and colleges to hold a march and rally. Our specific purpose is to call upon Governor Cuomo to enact aggressive measures that can lead the nation and the world in lowering our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to […]

New Year for Animals Zoom Discussion in Israel

You are cordially invited to attend a Zoom discussion of the historic, potentially transformative initiative to restore the ancient New Year for Animals and to transform it into a day devoted to increasing awareness of Jewish teachings about compassion to animals and how far current realities are from these teachings. It will also consider how animal-based […]

New Year for Animals Zoom Discussion in USA

You are cordially invited to attend a Zoom discussion of the historic, potentially transformative initiative to restore the ancient New Year for Animals and to transform it into a day devoted to increasing awareness of Jewish teachings about compassion to animals and how far current realities are from these teachings. It will also consider how animal-based […]

Watch Richard Schwartz’s interview on how plant-based diets can help save our world…

Richard Schwartz will be interviewed on Monday, October 19 at 8:30 PM Israeli time, 1:30 PM US eastern time, by the Israeli organization "Root and Branch." He will be discussing his unprecedented, potentially transformative campaign, in conjunction with his recently published book, VEGAN REVOLUTION: SAVING the WORLD, REVITALIZING JUDAISM, to promote veganism and to try […]

Alon Tal Zoom Event: Has the Climate Changed on Climate Change?

Join us on Sunday, June 12 at 1:00 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT / 8 p.m. Israel: Has the Climate Changed on Climate Change? Get more information, additional meeting topics, schedules and RSVP here: https://aytzim.org/rsvp Please note: RSVPS are accepted until two hours before the session start; links will be sent about an hour […]

Alon Tal Zoom Event: Ukraine and the Environmental Impact of War

Join us on Sunday, July 24 at 1 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT / 8 p.m. Israel: "Ukraine and the Environmental Impact of War" Get more information, additional meeting topics, schedules and RSVP here: https://aytzim.org/rsvp Please note: RSVPs accepted until two hours before the session start; links will be sent about an hour before […]

Shmita and Debt Cancellation with Rabbi David Seidenberg

Join us on Wednesday, August 31 at 12 noon EDT / 9 a.m. PDT / 7 p.m. Israel  Did you know that the Shmita (Sabbatical year) cancels all debts between Jews, whether in our outside of the land of Israel? Not only that -- debts are not canceled at the beginning of the Shmita year […]

Alon Tal Zoom Event: New Year’s Resolutions for the Upcoming Knesset Year

Join us on Sunday, September 18 at 1 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT / 8 p.m. Israel: "New Year's Resolutions for the Upcoming Israeli Knesset Year" Get more information, additional meeting topics, schedules and RSVP here: https://aytzim.org/rsvp Please note: RSVPs accepted until two hours before the session start; links will be sent about an […]

Alon Tal Zoom Event: How a Male Legislator Can Help Improve the Status of Women in Israel

Join us on Sunday, November 20 at 1 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT / 8 p.m. Israel: "How a Male Legislator can Help Improve the Status of Women in Israel" (rescheduled from May) Get more information, additional meeting topics, schedules and RSVP here: https://aytzim.org/rsvp Please note: RSVPs accepted until two hours before the session […]

Alon Tal Zoom Event: Western Wall Compromise

Join us on Sunday, December 18 at 1 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT / 8 p.m. Israel: "Western Wall Compromise" (rescheduled from June) Get more information, additional meeting topics, schedules and RSVP here: https://aytzim.org/rsvp Please note: RSVPs accepted until two hours before the session start; links will be sent about an hour before the […]

Emunah & the Environment

A pre-Tu B'Shvat shiur features Jewcology's lead organizer and cofounder Evonne Marzouk Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023 • 11 Shvat 5783 8:00 pm EST• on Zoom RSVP: www.growtorah.org/shiur


How Green Is Your Torah: Judaism and the Earth

How Green Is Your Torah: Exploring Judaism's Environmental EthicA FREE 1-Hour Zoom Class What does Judaism have to say about the relationship between human beings and the earth? How can Torah guide us in thinking about sustainability, environmentalism, and our response to the climate crisis? Rabbi Micah Streiffer leads us in discussion in honor of […]


Tu Bishvat Virtual Lobby Day for Climate Solutions: January 25 – 26

On Tu Bishvat we take notice of trees that provide us with food, shade and shelter.  Trees are the lungs of our planet, breathing in carbon dioxide which we are producing at levels that are poisoning our atmosphere, and breathing out oxygen. This Tu Bishvat we can take action to protect trees and the interconnected […]

Preparation for Pre-Tisha B’av Virtual Lobby Day with Rep. Jamie Raskin

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm PT Rep. Raskin is a tremendous leader and inspiring speaker.  This will be a very exciting program, which will include breakouts for preparation by state.  Congress may appear to be completely dysfunctional, but work is going on underneath the surface in preparation for the lame duck session that will follow […]