Sukkot, the harvest holiday that takes place on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei, marks the end of the agricultural year. Jews give thanks for the bounty of […]
Earth Etudes for Elul: A Collection of Meaningful Ways to Enrich Our Lives
by Susan Levine ~ It’s not too late to read the thought-provoking Earth Etudes for the month of Elul. Now is a good time to think about our lives and […]
Major Interview of Richard Schwartz in a Spanish Publication (Translation Follows Link)
.H.: Richard Schwartz was interviewed by Arquivo Pessoal of ANDA (News Agency of Animal Rights). The translation of the interview follows: ANDA: Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D., is the author of: […]
Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah and Vegetarianism
The Sukkot holiday, including Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, is known as the “Season of Rejoicing,” because people’s worries about the success of the harvest are over. Since one must […]
Yom Kippur and Vegetarianism
Yom Kippur, the culmination of the Aseret Y’mei Teshuva (the Ten Days of Penitence) that begins on Rosh Hashanah, is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. On this day, […]
Shanah Tovah 5777
by Rabbi Katy Z. Allen As you enter this new year may distance bring clarity and may the many shades of the forest be clear to you […]
Our Earth Etudes for Elul: Thank you to our contributors!
By Susan Levine A special thank you to Rabbi Katy Z. Allen for organizing this project and to our contributing writers with their meaningful essays, poems and thoughts. Elul is the […]
Earth Etude for Elul 29: Hope Sprouting
by Rabbi Judith Kummer ~ When the world is whirling and despair for the future begins to crowd in I turn to growing things, seeking hope. The sweet […]
Earth Etude for Elul 28: Our Repentance, Prayer, and Deeds of Righteous Action Will Stop Climate Change
by Dr. Mirele B. Goldsmith ~ This year, as the sun sets on Yom Kippur, our prayers will reach a pinnacle of intensity as we recite the UnetanehTokef prayer: “On […]
May it bee a sweet new year
“May you bee inscribed and sealed in the book of life for a good and sweet new year. May all your offspring survive to see adulthood and may you successfully pollinate our […]
Earth Etude for Elul 27: Teshuvah in the Garden
by Maxine Lyons ~ My perennial love relationship with the earth is expressed most explicitly in tending my flower gardens. For me it is spiritual work, a way to respect […]
Earth Etude for Elul 26: You Were Wrong
by Ben Weilerstein ~ I You were wrong about environmentalism, man, no that’s not what I think no, I’m not really an environmentalist because if I say I am you’ll […]
Press about Jewcology
- Jewcology: Rejuvenating ourselves and our planet (Jerusalem Post)
- New Jewish Environmental Network Receives Start-Up Grant (Jspace)
- A Look at Jewish Social Media (Ynet News)
- Jewcology: The Leading Edge of Jewish Environmentalism (
- Propelling Latin American ‘Jewish Spring’ (Ynetnews)
- Riveting (Environmental) Talks by Remarkable People (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Learning to Tell Stories: A Leadership Training for Jewish Environmentalists (Presentense)
- A Responsibility To Defend A Fragile & Glorious World: Judaism & The Environment (TreeHugger)
- Transforming the Jewish World (Atmosphere, El-Al’s in-flight Magazine)
- Web Sighting (Hadassah Magazine)
- It’s Easy Being Green, and Jewish… (Chicago Jewish News)
- Working to Raise Eco-Consciousness by Turning Screens Green (Philadelphia Jewish Exponent)
- A New Online Hub for Jewish Environmentalists (
- – New online home for Jewish farmers and environmentalists (CASFS Blog & Forum)
Celebrate Jewish women environmentalists on Tu B’Shevat (Jewish Women’s Archive)
Jewcology website off to fast start (Jerusalem Post)
הכדור בידיים שלנו (
- Launching (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Jewish Activism + Environmentalism = Jewcology (Arutz Sheva/Israel National News)
- A Green Jewish Portal (The New York Jewish Week)
- A Very Jewish Environment (Washington Jewish Week)
- – New Online Home for Jewish Environmentalists (J of Northern California)
- Introducing Jewcology (Virtual Jerusalem)
- Ecology Activism and Jewish World (Ynet News)
- Jewcology Website Launches (Cleveland Jewish News)
- בחזרה לשורשים: האמונה הסביבתית של ברוך ראק (
- Canadian co-founds Jewish environmental web portal (Canadian Jewish News)
- Jewish Environmentalists Go Virtual: New “Jewcology” Site Fosters Worldwide Collaboration and Education (Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Blog)
- And don’t miss our feature on the ROI Community website